Everett Colors of Freedom 4th of July Parade | Kennedy24
04 Jul Everett, WA Tue, 11:00 AM PDT RSVP Everett Colors of Freedom 4th of July Parade
“RFK Jr. for America” DC & Beyond Meetup and Social (Thursday)
This is an opportunity to meet like-minded supporters in the region, and to talk about how you can help to get RFK Jr. on the ballot in DC, Maryland and Virginia. There will be campaign materials to take home with you.
RFK Walk the Waterfront | Kennedy24
Meet Up at the Key Bank parking lot on Bay Street. Walk the Waterfront to Kitsap Bank Port Orchard (about a quarter mile each way) and back. Wear your RFK gear, Red.White.Blue, or Purple. Bring signs if you have them! See you there!
Kennedy24 - Common Sense Weekly | Free Newsletter
Breaking news. Campaign updates. In your inbox. Declare Your Independence: Join the Movement to Elect RFK Jr. in 2024 Receive weekly updates from the heart of the Kennedy campaign. Stay informed on Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s visionary policies, events near you, and ways to get involved.
First George, now RFK, Jr. Sullivan Co. Meet up | Kennedy24
In order to get our Independent Candidate onto the ballot, we need a team of excited and committed individuals! Grass root support is the best thing we can do for "the America that almost was and yet to be" (C Eisenstien). Please come and share your support and commitment to give Sullivan County a voice for RFK, Jr and the rebirth of America on George Washington's birthday!
Events Photo Galleries | Kennedy24
May 15, 2024 · Because RFK Jr was unjustly denied Secret Service protection for so long, his campaign went into the red to provide him physical security. Now we need to retire that debt. Please contribute as much as you can today to help us …
Biggest RFK shore Car Caravan | Kennedy24
14335 06 Jul Asbury Park, NJ Sat, 02:30 PM EDT RSVP Biggest RFK shore Car Caravan
Let Kennedy Debate Rally at the White House | Kennedy24
All Kennedy supporters and supporters of our American Democracy are invited to peacefully convene in front of the White House on Pennsylvania Avenue to rally for RFK Jr. to be included in the Presidential Debates. We will be picketing from 4-7PM.
Sign the Petition to get RFK Jr on the Ballot | Kennedy24
8426 09 May Sioux Falls, SD Thu, 11:30 AM CDT RSVP Sign the Petition to get RFK Jr on the Ballot
All Kennedy supporters and supporters of our American Democracy are invited to peacefully convene in front of the White House on Pennsylvania Avenue to rally for RFK Jr. to be included in the Presidential Debates. We will be picketing from 4-7PM.