RG-33 - Wikipedia
The RG-33 is a mine-resistant light armored vehicle initially designed by BAE Systems Land Systems South Africa (formerly Land Systems OMC), a South African subsidiary of BAE …
RG33 Mine Resistant Ambush Vehicle (MRAP) - Army Technology
2008年10月30日 · RG33 series vehicles provide survivability against improvised explosive devices (IEDs), medium machine gun or small arms fire and mine blast protection. The BAE …
RG33 | BAE Systems
The RG33 is a family of MRAP vehicles, available in several configurations including the category I 4×4, category II 6×6, the heavy armored ground ambulance (HAGA) and the special …
U.S. Army BAE Systems RG-33 MRAP 6x6 EOD - YouTube
2024年2月8日 · Take a look at every angle, underneath and inside an RG-33L Medium Mine Protected Vehicle 6x6 EOD vehicle, on display at Army Days at the U.S. Army Heritage ...
RG-33 L 6x6 MMPV MRAP - Army Recognition
2024年7月30日 · With its large modular interior, high-mobility chassis and extensive equipment options, the RG33 6x6 is an integrated, proven, survivable, blast-protected vehicle. It can …
The US Army’s MMPV EOD/Engineer Vehicles - Defense Industry Daily
Another 678 will go to explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) teams to neutralize Improvised Explosive Device land mines and other unexploded ordnance. BAE Systems was picked as …
RG-33 L Plus Cat II MRAP - Army Recognition
Category II vehicles provide a reconfigurable vehicle that is capable of supporting multi-mission operations such as convoy lead, troop transport, Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD), and …
RG-33 SOCOM AUV - Army Guide
The BAE Systems RG-33 Special Operations Command (SOCOM) Armored Utility Variant (AUV) MRAP is a modified Commercial Off-The-Shelf vehicle designed from the ground up to reduce …
RG-33 MRAP II - Army Guide
The ability of Land & Armaments to rapidly apply its globally-based corporate synergies to wheeled vehicle design and development is clearly evident in the recent development of …
WarWheels.Net- RG-33L 6x6 MRAP/MMPV Type 1 Index
Like many of the other MRAP designs, the 6x6 RG-33L was envisioned to be used to fulfill multiple missions including Ambulance, Command/Control, Convoy Escort, Explosive …