RG-8X or RG-8U - RadioReference.com Forums
2011年11月15日 · Its says on the specs that RG-8U has a total run attenuation of 1.8,I checked RG-8X and RG-58 coax and the RG-8U has the lowest loss.So it looks like I will be getting the RG-8U. What did you mean by that RG-8X is easier to manipulate?
which coax to use?? | RadioReference.com Forums
2011年4月12日 · Even within one manufacturer “RG-8/U” can have many, many values, for example Belden Cable list about 10 variants of “RG-8/U”, each with different losses and features.
RG8U vs RG8 A/U - RadioReference.com Forums
2015年11月28日 · RG8U generally has a solid plastic center insulator while RG8 A/U generally has a foam type plastic center insulator. I say generally because some companies do not differentiate between them and lump them together and send out whatever they grab. The foam type is generally thought to have a slightly lower loss, but the difference isn't that much. The more important thing to look for is the ...
RG2/13 or RG8/U - RadioReference.com Forums
2019年6月21日 · I need coax cable for a 100 foot run connecting to a BCD996P2 to a Diamond D-1301J antenna. I've called two places and one says RG2/13 and the other RG8/U. What say you?
RG8U VS LMR400 - RadioReference.com Forums
2015年2月13日 · RG-8: 2.4 dB loss RG-8X: 4.3 dB loss LMR400: 1.5 dB loss You can see how the different types of cable might kinda look the same, but because of how they are engineered and what materials they are made of, have entirely different characteristics. But, a shorter length of RG-8X on a lower frequency might be completely acceptable.
RG 8 Bushing - RadioReference.com Forums
2019年10月19日 · I'm having a heck of a time locating 'thru the wall bushing' for RG 8 coax. I can order from China, but can't seem to find any in U.S. Searched Amazon, Ebay, etc. ..an hour later, still no luck. Any suggestions ?
S.i.w. - type rg8/u-95 foam - RadioReference.com Forums
2012年4月11日 · Just guessing <---, I would think that cable is fairly 'standard' RG-8/u with foam insulation and has 95% shielding. For UHF stuff there are 'better' cables available.
RG8X v.s. RG58U Cable? - RadioReference.com Forums
2006年1月10日 · Studgeman, He was referencing RG-8X (mini foam). This is a smaller version of RG-8, but still has a little bit less loss than rg-58. dsmall, If you are doing a mobile install, your better bet would be the mini foam, but at these lengths (maybe 10-15') it will certainly not make a very noticeable difference.
Is RG 8 Foam Type Coax Cable The Best? - RadioReference.com …
2008年3月30日 · RG-8 is definitely better than RG-58. RG-58 is not TV cable, older cable would be RG-59 and newer stuff would be RG-6. TV cable (RG-59 and RG-6) is 75 ohm impedance, RG-8 and RG-58 is 50 ohm impedance. So, if you already have the RG-8, go for it. 75 feet would have a bit less than 5dB loss at 800 MHz, which isn't terrible but not great either.
RG8U VS LMR400 | Page 2 | RadioReference.com Forums
2015年2月13日 · RG-8 falls under this category. Foil shielding is 100% coverage and then add the 88% coverage braid for a good strong shielding on the LMR400 cable. Personally, at my shack, RG-8 won the battle because it was much cheaper, and dangit, I can live with an additional .5dB of loss on a 100' line.