General | RGL.gg Forums
For everything related to RGL & TF2. Looking for a team to be main rostered on and make playoff next season. Would prefer to play adv/main because I know I already am a main placement sniper at my skill level from logs (doing better than snipers who made playoffs or played main last season with my lackluster roster imagine if I had a better team
Competitive TF2, Harassment, and Volunteering | RGL.gg Forums
2020年10月11日 · This is a twit longer recently made by an ETF2L AC admin and I think it deserves a good amount of discussion here as well The Tweet The Twitlonger
General | RGL.gg Forums - forums.rgl.gg
The forums of the largest TF2 league with a passionate community, dedicated to pushing competitive Team Fortress 2 forward. Featuring TF2 Sixes and Highlander.
RGL Finances, Global Rule Edits, and 2021 June/July Bans
2021年8月9日 · Past articles: January February March & April May #anchor(RGL Finances) In RGL, certain divisions for each format contain league fees for entry.
Announcing Experimental Cup #5 | RGL.gg Forums
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China National TF2 Team ADV S12 | RGL.gg Forums
%(#e9ff40)[China National TF2] is back for a second season of advanced with the core players of lee, roofon, spaghetti and hyoi + the return of mkz and raid ...
Using Blockchain to Fund Competitive TF2 | RGL.gg Forums
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Study on Empathy in Online Gaming (TF2) | RGL.gg Forums
Hey all, I’m currently doing a master’s in counselling and psychotherapy and for my dissertation I’m looking into empathy in online gaming, with a focus on t...
Retrospection Chats - Fireside's new podcast series | RGL.gg Forums
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RGL Summer Staff Applications, Global Rulebook Updates
The following account(s) have been banned for having VAC bans that may be affecting TF2. If you have a VAC ban for a game that is not TF2, please contact an admin to get the ban removed. based and red pilled . Gaz . Jerzy . sacki. You can read further details and context about each player’s bans by viewing their discipline history on their ...