XRD spectra of graphite, GO and RGO. - ResearchGate
Graphene oxide (GO) and reduced graphene oxide (RGO) are known to have superior properties for various applications. This work compares the properties of GO and RGO with graphite. GO was...
Synthesis of MgO-rGO nanocomposites for display and forensic ...
Here we show that reduced graphene oxide (rGO) based composite with MgO nanoparticle ( MgO –rGO). The final products were analyzed by Powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM), Diffused Reflectance Spectra (DRS) and Photoluminescence (PL). The PXRD confirm the cubic in nature.
Comparison of the characteristic properties of reduced graphene …
Both GO and rGO are graphene derivatives that have structures containing defects due to the oxygen-containing functional groups exposed on the edges of the carbon layers.
Comparison of PXRD patterns of GO (a), rGO (b), and Pt@rGO (c).
This study targets fabrication of reduced graphene oxide (rGO) and utility of abundantly available, cost effective, and environment friendly lignocelluloses (LC) fibers extracted from Carica ...
Synthesis and characterization of Ni grafted RGO—A
2022年2月1日 · Ni-10@RGO is first characterized with PXRD where the data is recorded at room temperature (30 °C) over a range of 2 θ = 10 ° – 80 ° as displayed in Fig. 1 (b). In the PXRD pattern, characteristic peaks of both RGO and Ni are prominent.
Graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide studied by the …
2014年8月1日 · Production of graphene from GO requires strong reduction procedure (thermal, chemical, photothermal, electrochemical) to reduce GO, where the proposed reduction methods should be optimised with respect to obtained graphene structure and easy, low cost, nontoxic procedures for a large-scale graphene production.
PXRD pattern of (A) GO and (B) CuO/rGO nanocomposites.
The rGO-CuO shows excellent adsorption behaviour with a maximum removal efficiency of 78.36% and 84.56% for 6A2TU and 6A5N2TU, respectively, and following the Temkin adsorption isotherm model.
Defect Engineering of Low-Coordinated Metal–Organic …
2023年6月23日 · Here, we present a practical strategy to incorporate missing cluster defects into a representative low-coordinated MOFs structure, Mg-MOF-74, while maintaining the stability of a defect-rich structure.
《Nature》子刊:超轻COF/rGO气凝胶 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
在这项研究中,研究者通过水热法制备COF/rGO复合材料,其具有3D、分层多孔,超轻和完整的结构。 首先,通过有机连接体1,3,5-三甲酰间苯三酚(Tp)和二氨基蒽醌(Dq)在GO的存在下原位反应获得COF/rGO水凝胶。 然后,在水热反应条件下,GO还原为rGO,并使TpDq-COF沿着rGO纳米片的表面均匀生长,从而使两相紧密混合。 将获得的水凝胶冷冻干燥后,最终形成COF/rGO气凝胶,表现出分层的多孔结构。 2. 材料的结构特点. 图2 COF/rGO气凝胶的结构 …
《Nature》子刊:超轻COF/rGO气凝胶 - 网易
2020年9月28日 · 在这项研究中,研究者通过水热法制备COF/rGO复合材料,其具有3D、分层多孔,超轻和完整的结构。 首先,通过有机连接体1,3,5-三甲酰间苯三酚(Tp)和二氨基蒽醌(Dq)在GO的存在下原位反应获得COF/rGO水凝胶。 然后,在水热反应条件下,GO还原为rGO,并使TpDq-COF沿着rGO纳米片的表面均匀生长,从而使两相紧密混合。 将获得的水凝胶冷冻干燥后,最终形成COF/rGO气凝胶,表现出分层的多孔结构。 2. 材料的结构特点. 图2 COF/rGO气 …