Fox N'Q | RHG Wiki | Fandom
FoxnQ is a Rock Hard Gladiator from Fluidanims. Fox has the ability to Flash-Step; Flash-Step (FS) is a form of teleportation, but in short distances. He can also enter SF (single-framed) …
Fox and Q - RHG摇滚角斗士中文wiki - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻杰诺网 …
Fox was part of an international space program who sold planets on what you would call the black market. Their job is to infiltrate a planet, destroy all inhabitants then sell the planet to the …
Fox N'Q | Rock Hard Gladiators Wiki - Fandom
Fox n' Q were RHGs created by KidKei. Fox is a dark goldenrod stick while Q is a black figure. They were created during the FluidAnims V3 era. They are the fifth of five RHGs created by …
Foxtail | RHG Wiki - Fandom
Foxtail is a Rock Hard Gladiator created by Armand. As her name suggests, Foxtail features specific traits: she's a red stickman with the ears and the tail of a fox; additionally, she is …
RHG摇滚角斗士中文wiki - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻杰诺网络科技有限公司
RHG(Rock Hard Gladitor),最初为外网知名火柴人动画网站FluidAnims、Stickpage的站内活动,后因为中文地区的传播原因,在国内泛指多名作者间火柴人战斗对决作品(也即为RHG式 …
摇滚角斗士 - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
Fox具有短距离隐形传输能力“Flash-Step”,最快可以单帧传输进行高速移动;Q具有变形成任意物品的能力,平时以黑色头带的形态存在于Fox身上,打斗时可化形为任意物品,也可进入Fox …
RHG - 百度百科
作为一名RHG名将,在RHG界可是众所周知,人气也比较火热,但跟大多数RHG角色不同的是非常非常的善良,一般的RHG都会将对手杀死,而OXOB的RHG系列几乎没有杀死任何人, …
搖滾角鬥士 - 萌娘百科 萬物皆可萌的百科全書
Fox具有短距離隱形傳輸能力「Flash-Step」,最快可以單幀傳輸進行高速移動;Q具有變形成任意物品的能力,平時以黑色頭帶的形態存在於Fox身上,打鬥時可化形為任意物品,也可進 …
FoxnQ | Hyun's Dojo Wiki | Fandom
FoxnQ is an RHG and animated duelist created by KidKei. He was a member of Zetabrand, but then transferred to NEMESIS and a Rock Hard Gladiator from Fluidanims. He later became a …
Foxtail - RHG摇滚角斗士中文wiki - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻杰诺网络 …
Foxtail是一名RHG角色 [1],作者为Armand,所属氏族Ministry。 她非常灵活,而且拥有很快的速度。 她很擅长使用组合技能。 她的脚踝处嵌入了两个迷你机枪。 她可以使用所有她拥有的东 …