RIII™ System - Daniel Defense
Explore the all-new RIII™ system from Daniel Defense, which includes rifles, uppers, and rails. The lightweight, free-float, aircraft-grade aluminum RIS III rails make the RIII system the …
Integrated smart specialisation strategies respond to complex development challenges by adapting the policy to the regional context. RIS3 supports the creation of knowledge-based …
Guide to Research and Innovation Strategies for smart …
2012年6月12日 · The guide sets out a number of practical steps to design a national/regional RIS3, namely: 1. the analysis of the national/regional context and potential for innovation, 2. …
直击SHOT Show:丹尼尔防务公司推出新型枪械部件 提升人机工 …
丹尼尔防务公司(Daniel Defense)展示了新研制的RIS III护木和两侧可操作的下机匣。 这种新型护木采用FDE色涂装,并安装在四支该公司制造的步枪上,这些步枪还配备了新型下机匣。 …
DfT confirms RIS3 to run for a full five years from 2026 to 2031
2024年12月12日 · The Department for Transport (DfT) has confirmed that Road Investment Strategy 3 (RIS3) will run for a full five years from 2026 to 2031. In its Autumn Bulletin update, …
RIS3 - basic description and meaning
The starting point of RIS3 and its basic framework consist of determining the priorities (specialisation domains), which are identified based on economic data, assessing innovation …
Eye@RIS3 - Smart Specialisation Platform - Europa
Eye@RIS3 visualises public investment priorities for innovation across Europe for period 2014-2020. It enables public managers and stakeholders to position their territory in comparison to …
Homepage | RIS3
Learn about the Regional Dimension of the RIS3 Strategy and establish cooperation in R&D&I In recent years, smart specialisation strategies have been a widely used concept to support …
Národní RIS3 strategie
Národní RIS3 strategie Zajišťuje efektivní zacílení prostředků především z evropských, národních a územních rozpočtů na podporu orientovaného a aplikovaného výzkumu a inovací. Podpora …
RIS 3 MAC – Smart Specialization in the MAC Area
This Platform aims to bring together all available resources, actions and tools which permit enhancing RIS3MAC Strategy within the European Zone, strengthening smart specialization …