RJ11 pinout + informations - Forum for Electronics
2011年8月2日 · RJ11 consists of separate cables and RJ45 – 4 pairs of twisted wires Apple used RJ11 for computer communication before RJ45 using 2 cables for voice and 2 cables for data. RJ11 went into oblivion in the early 90's, when 10baseT on RJ45 was entering the game. OK. Let's write something about wiring RJ11 and creating a RJ11 cable.
Regarding RJ45 LED PIN Connection - Forum for Electronics
2008年7月6日 · Connections in extreme burn-in oven conditions - recommendation for pin jacks or connectors to be use in 200C to 220C burn-in environment?
[Moved]: Need help understanding CT pins in RJ-45 with magnetics
2010年8月22日 · I am treating the RJ-45 to PHY circuitry as blackbox, while dealing with the wires coming out the transformer connecting the PHY. Connecting TX+ , TX- , RX+ , RX- pins to MCU through 1,2,3,6 pins of RJ-45 holes seems fairly easy, but I can't get hold of the idea of TXCT, RXCT pins (4,5 pins of RJ-45 holes). What are these pins for?
Shield of RJ45 (Ethernet connector) right connection
2012年11月2日 · When design RJ45, they having pin for shielding. I look for some design they connect to some of variations: 1. Inductor to GND. 2. resistor 1M // cap 100nF to GND 3. 0hm // cap 100nF to GND 4. 100nF cap only. 5. Connect to …
RJ45 Modbus cable to D9 connector - Forum for Electronics
2016年6月6日 · I have a stripped RJ45 cable to whom i need know how to make the wire connection in a D9 connector, in order to match the pinout of a MPI-Bus adapter. How should i connect the wires from the RJ45 cable to the D9 connector?
how to make serial cable <-> RJ45 cable - Forum for Electronics
2011年4月11日 · The YOST standard is for connecting one serial port to another using RJ45 connectors and CAT5 cable. It still needs a comms port at both end, it doesn't convert Ethernet to serial at all, it's just an alternative way of wiring what is normally done with 9 or 25-pin 'D' connectors. Brian.
Why do ethernet phy magnetics have center tap
2020年5月10日 · I've a question with the ethernet phy connection to the rj45 connector. Usually, with either discrete or integrated magnetics, either with Voltage mode PHY or current mode PHY, what is the purpose of the center tap of the magnetics.
connection rs232 to rj45? | Forum for Electronics
2011年5月17日 · Hi, to best of my knowledge it is a kind of serial cable used to connect console parts printers etc. for more check below link **broken link removed** for more on rs2323 cables, wiring and pin pin-out check following one Tech Info - RS232 Cables and Wiring
[Moved] Capacitor value at ethernet connector - Forum for …
2012年5月10日 · Hi all, I designed an ethernet solution based on PIC 18F67J60, i was curious about capacitor value at TCT and RCT pins. In my design I have placed 0.1uF/275 VAC capacitor at both the pins which is bulky box sort capacitor while i have seen few design which have smd caps and few with through...
Confusion with RS485 data Tx+, Tx-, Rx+, Rx-, A, B, Y, Z
2008年5月16日 · I'm confused with the RS485 & RS422 Terminal notations. As per the datasheet of MAX485 pin description, A = Noninverting Receiver Input and Noninverting Driver Output (Rx+ & Tx+) B = Inverting Receiver Input and Inverting Driver Output (Rx- & Tx-) Y = Noninverting Driver Output (Tx+) Z =...