Replication Origin of the Broad Host Range Plasmid RK2
The 393-base pair minimal origin, oriV, of plasmid RK2 contains three iterated motifs essential for initiation of replication: consensus sequences for binding the bacterial DnaA protein, DnaA boxes, which have recently been shown to bind the DnaA protein; 17-base pair direct repeats, iterons, which bind the plasmid encoded replication protein, T...
Iteron control of oriV function in IncP-1 plasmid RK2
2023年5月1日 · The well-studied oriV region of RK2 contains 9 iterons arranged as a singleton (iteron 1), a group of 3 (iterons 2–4) and a group of 5 (iterons 5–9), but only iterons 5 to 9 are essential for replication. An additional iteron (iteron 10), oriented in the opposite direction, is also involved and reduces copy-number nearly two-fold.
A broad host range replicon with different requirements for replication ...
2001年6月15日 · The replication origin (oriV) and a plasmid-encoded initiation protein (TrfA; expressed as 33 and 44 kDa forms) are essential for RK2 replication. To examine initiation events in bacteria unrelated to Escherichia coli, the genes encoding the replicative helicase, DnaB, of Pseudomonas putida and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were isolated and used to ...
A broad host range replicon with different requirements for …
2001年6月6日 · Plasmid RK2 is unusual in its ability to replicate stably in a wide range of Gram-negative bacteria. The replication origin (oriV) and a plasmid-encoded initiation protein (TrfA; expressed as 33 and 44 kDa forms) are essential for RK2 replication.
Iteron 控制 IncP-1 质粒 RK2 中的 oriV 功能,Plasmid - X-MOL
研究充分的 oriV RK2 的区域包含 9 个迭代子,排列为单个(迭代子 1)、一组 3 个(迭代子 2-4)和一组 5 个(迭代子 5-9),但只有第 5 到 9 个迭代子是复制所必需的。 另一个方向相反的 iteron(iteron 10)也参与其中,并将拷贝数减少了近两倍。 由于 iterons 1 和 10 共享相同的上游六聚体 (5' TTTCAT 3'),因此假设它们形成由其倒置方向促进的 TrfA 介导的环。 在这里,我们报告与假设相反,翻转一个或另一个使它们处于直接方向会导致略低而不是更高的拷贝数。 此 …
The oriV region from plasmid RK2. | Download Scientific Diagram
The RK2 genome encodes several genes providing the plasmid with diverse functions allowing for its stable maintenance in a variety of bacterial hosts. This review will focus on two processes ...
Interactions of the origin of replication (oriV) and initiation ...
The trfB region of broad host range plasmid RK2: the nucleotide sequence reveals incC and key regulatory gene trfB/korA/korD as overlapping genes. Nucleic Acids Res. 1986 Jun 11;14(11):4453–4469. doi: 10.1093/nar/14.11.4453.
Iteron control of oriV function in IncP-1 plasmid RK2 - PubMed
The well-studied oriV region of RK2 contains 9 iterons arranged as a singleton (iteron 1), a group of 3 (iterons 2-4) and a group of 5 (iterons 5-9), but only iterons 5 to 9 are essential for replication. An additional iteron (iteron 10), oriented in the opposite direction, is also involved and reduces copy-number nearly two-fold.
DnaA Box Sequences as the Site for Helicase Delivery during Plasmid RK2 ...
For these studies, we used the replication origin of plasmid RK2 (oriV), containing a cluster of four DnaA boxes that bind DnaA proteins isolated from different bacterial species (Caspi, R., Helinski, D.
Replication and partitioning of the broad-host-range plasmid RK2
2010年11月1日 · The broad-host-range plasmid RK2 has been a model for studying DNA metabolism in bacteria for many years. It is used as a vector allowing genetic manipulations in numerous bacterial species. The RK2 genome encodes several genes providing the plasmid with diverse functions allowing for its stable maintenance in a variety of bacterial hosts.