TM 11-362 Reel Units RL-31, 1941 - Archive.org
TM 11-362 Reel Units RL-31, 1941-07-01 Section I. General. Paragraph Purpose 1 Frame 2 Axle 3 Crank GC-4-A 4 Brake unit GC-10 5 Strap ST— 19-A 6 Tail gate hangers 7 Toe clamps 8 II. Employment. Wire capacity 9 Transportation 10 Weight 11 III. Maintenance. General 12 List of parts 13 Section I GENERAL Paragraph Purpose 1 Frame 2 Axle 3 Crank ...
REELUNITRL-31 Preparedunderdirectionofthe ChiefSignalOfficer SECTIONI.General. r-aragrapfr Purpose 1 Frame 2 Axle 3 CrankGCM-A 4 BrakeunitGC-10 5 StrapST-19-A 6 Tailgatehangers 7 Toeclamps 8 II.Employment. Wirecapacity 9 Transportation 10 Weight 11 III.Maintenance. General 12 Listofparts 13 SECTIOKI GENERAL Paragraph Purpose; 1 Frame 2 Axle 3 ...
64-8250-67 紙付インデックス ふせん〈リペタ〉 RL-31 【AXEL】 …
アズワンの【axel】紙付インデックス ふせん〈リペタ〉 rl-31のコーナーです。 AXELは研究開発、医療介護、生産現場、食品衛生など幅広い分野に1100万点以上の品揃えでお応えする商品サイト。
62-2275-13 REALA(リアラ)(インテリア用粘着シート)90cm×90cm RL-31 【AXEL …
アズワンの【AXEL】REALA(リアラ)(インテリア用粘着シート)90cm×90cm RL-31のコーナーです。 AXELは研究開発、医療介護、生産現場、食品衛生など幅広い分野に1100万点以上の品揃えでお応えする商品サイト。
RL - Reel - RadioNerds
2024年7月6日 · RL-159~U is a metal spool-type container used to store, transport, lay, or recover field wire. It will hold 1.6 kilometers (1 mile) of field wire and can be mounted on Reeling Machine RL-207/G, Reel Unit RL-31-E, Reeling Machine RL-172/G, or Axle RL-27.
A light-weight, portable, folding A-frame of steel tubing used for paying out and recovering field wire and field cable. This reel unit features: two cranks for reeling in wire on reels, carrying stra
axle configuration shall be available to accommodate two reels and allow for independent operation of the reels in either direction or both directions simultaneously. The dual-axle shall include reel stops for mounting smaller reels. The axle shall accommodate hand cranks from the RL-31 Reeling Machine. -
TM 11-3895-202-13 - ArmyProperty.com
Title: Reeling Machine, RL-31. Login to download, request hard copy, or add this manual to your unit library
Loading the reel unit. - tpub.com
On reel unit RL-31-E, turn the stops on a divided axle one-quarter turn to accommodate two small reels. If a large reel is to be used, turn the stops until the flat surfaces
Figure 1-8. Reel unit RL-31( ) - tpub.com
Reel unit RL-31()/G is a lightweight, portable, folding A-frame of steel tubing used for paying
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