Regional Major Rankings - Liquipedia Counter-Strike Wiki
Regional Major Rankings served as the qualification system for Valve Major Championships, starting with ESL One: Rio 2020 and ending with Perfect World Shanghai 2024. They were separated into three regions (previously six): Asia-Pacific, Europe, and Americas.
Team RM (REAL MADRID) CS:GO, roster, matches, statistics
2024年1月9日 · RM Roster: consss, Python, Chill, KWERTZZ, Wonderful_Y. Team REAL MADRID does not take prizes in major tournaments
Team RM (REAL MADRID) CS:GO - cn.game-tournaments.com
RM show Z10 2024-01-09 16:10:00 * Form shows how good the players current performance (last 15 games), in comparison with they average performance (last 50 games)
Major Matchup Simulator
Place and Track Pick'ems: pick.majors.im. Global Travel eSIM with +372 Phone Number: esim.gg.
【CS:GO】BLAST巴黎Major RMR赛制解读 - 哔哩哔哩
战队可以通过两种方式晋级本届RMR:一是上届Major的第1-16名战队的不少于3人的核心阵容自动获得参赛资格,例如上届Major冠军Outsiders的4人核心阵容将代表Virtus.pro参加本届RMR;二是从RMR封闭预选赛获得名额,例如未参加上届Major的G2通过RMR封闭预选赛进入本届RMR。 2 RMR种子排名依据. RMR种子排名基于上届Major的名次和RMR封闭预选赛的名次。 上届Major的第1-16名战队成为本届RMR的1-16号种子,在被分配至各赛区后依旧遵循种子排名的顺序。 …
Regional Major Rankings 2021: North America - Liquipedia
Regional Major Rankings 2021: North America is an online North American CS:GO tournament organized by Valve. This A-Tier tournament took place from Jan 01 to Oct 10 2021.
安特卫普Major及RMR赛事将由完美世界电竞全程中文制作 - 武库 …
2022年4月8日 · 完美世界竞技平台是cs:go国服官方竞技平台,具有严密高效的设备级反作弊系统,并且全线配置高规格3.5ghz睿频阿里云服务器,全方位守护你的游戏体验。
2021 CSGO Major - 完美世界电竞
完美世界CS:GO职业联赛,简称:CSGO Major, 是由完美世界主办,传承延续 PAL品牌的RMR(Regional Major Rankings)洲际级专业CS:GO赛事。 赛事面向所 有亚洲区职业战队和广大CS:GO竞技爱好者,总奖金为10万美元,优胜战队可获得相应的RMR积分
RM - CS:GO: Players, Match Schedule, Statistics
Full information about RM team from CS:GO. ⚡ Up-to-date statistics and match outcomes (2024). ⚡ Current and past RM players.
RM, CS:GO - player biography, awards, matches, statistics
The site is intended for persons not younger than 18 years old 18+