GGR Tech Sdn Bhd
Modenas Elegan EX (2023) is a premium maxi scooter bike powered by Liquid-cooled, 4-stroke SOHC, 250 cc engine with CVT transmission. It produces 22.1 Hp power at 7000 RPM and 22.4 Nm maximum torque at 6500 RPM.
GGR Tech Sdn Bhd
Modenas Elegan EX (2023) is a premium maxi scooter bike powered by Liquid-cooled, 4-stroke SOHC, 250 cc engine with CVT transmission. It produces 22.1 Hp power at 7000 RPM and 22.4 Nm maximum torque at 6500 RPM. .
GGRM: Gudang Garam Tbk PT Stock Price Quote - Bloomberg
4 天之前 · Stock analysis for Gudang Garam Tbk PT (GGRM:Indonesia) including stock price, stock chart, company news, key statistics, fundamentals and company profile.
GGRM.JK - | Stock Price & Latest News | Reuters
2025年3月17日 · PT Gudang Garam Tbk is an Indonesia-based company that is engaged in the cigarette industry and other related cigarette industry activities. The Company’s segments include cigarettes, paperboards,...
INVESTOR - Gudang Garam Tbk
2024年3月31日 · Dividend payment is approved by the General Meeting of Shareholders. Year on year, the company's dividend policy allows for dividend of 20 per cent to 40 per cent of net income to be declared.
萌新医药代表需要知道的老板称呼 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
GM (General Manager) 总经理。 俗称的全国老大...... VP (VP Marketing&Sales) 营销副总裁。 整个体系的老大! BU Director、BU Head 事业部总监。 这是我们最直接的老大,就是自己产品线的NO.1! 大家好,我是Joe哥,一个搞原创的医药代表公众号的土味小编...... 刚进外企时,最大的尴尬就是,同事、老板说了一大堆英文tittle自己听不懂。 一会说GM(我心想,这个公司通用也入股了,没听说啊? )讲话什么意思…
好奇心害死猫系列之 rm -rf /* ⚠️ - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
rm -rf /D:删除指定目录 D 以及其所有子目录和文件. rm -rf * :删除当前文件夹下的所有文件而保留该文件夹 . ⚠️rm -rf /:删除一整个根目录 / 有些版本的系统会提示你这很危险,但有的不会! 这会删除绝大部分的文件,只要权限足够都会删。
GitHub - ComputationalRadiology/ggr-recon: Gradient Guidance ...
GGR-recon requires the input low-res images to be put at the folder of name data in the root of the code tree. GGR-recon detects all available low-res images and uses them to reconstruct the high-res image.
Chart dan Harga Saham GGRM — IDX:GGRM — TradingView
GGRM di Fase Bottom Reversal, Ada Potensi ke 18575? GGRM saat ini sedang berkonsolidasi sehat menguji level resisten fractalnya di 16375. Jika level ini berhasil ditembus, ada peluang bagi GGRM untuk bergerak naik dengan target kenaikan menuju 18575 dengan minor target di 17600.
Risonanza magnetica aperta - ggr radiologica vita
La macchina è dotata di un magnete aperto che permette di effettuare interventi sull’intero apparato muscolo-scheletrico senza costringere il paziente in un ambiente chiuso e angusto ed è consigliata per pazienti claustrofobici, in sovrappeso e per i bambini. Questo sistema prende quindi il nome di risonanza magnetica aperta.