What is the difference between rm -r and rm -f? - Super User
2016年9月20日 · rm example $ rm example rm: cannot remove `example': Is a directory As you can see, rm does not remove directories by default. rm example -f $ rm example -f rm: cannot …
What does "rm -rf" do? - Super User
2017年9月5日 · To remove a file whose name starts with a '-', for example '-foo', use one of these commands: rm -- -foo. rm ./-foo. Note that if you use rm to remove a file, it might be possible to …
unix - Why does \rm work but rm doesn't? - Super User
2010年2月7日 · Someone, either your system administrator or your linux distribution (you didn't specify what form of unix you are using) has aliased rm to rm -i. Take a look at what man rm …
What does rm -R do? - Super User
2023年5月6日 · First, googling for things like "-R", is useless. All kinds of unrelated answers come out. I know what rm -rf does, but what does rm -R does? (specially rm -R <directory>) (I …
"rm: descend into directory" - what does it mean? - Super User
You are adding the -i option which means --interactive so it will ask you if it can delete each file and directory. Is the only reason why "descend into directory `.emacs.d'?" appears. So you …
linux - Remove file without asking - Super User
2021年6月18日 · Currently I am working at a system, where the bash shell recieved the definition of the rm command as a function in one of the global configuration files: rm () { /bin/rm -i …
linux - Delete matching files in all subdirectories - Super User
2010年2月22日 · The -delete option means find will directly delete the matching files. This is the best match to OP's actual question. Using -type f means find will only process files. find . …
Is there any difference in power between sudo rm and sudo rm -f?
That means all files that belongs to you or the group you are member. This command omits all directories in current directory. If you need to delete everything, use rm -rf instead. "sudo rm *" …
What does rm --preserve-root prevent exactly? - Super User
2015年2月20日 · Modern rm by default has the --preserve-root option enabled, but what exactly does this prevent? I understand it will prevent rm -r / (right?) but does it prevent . cd / rm * or. …
What is the equivalent of rm -rf in Powershell? - Super User
rm -rf in Unix means remove a file and also:-r, -R, --recursive remove directories and their contents recursively -f, --force ignore nonexistent files and arguments, never prompt Remove …