The Fireface 800 is the world's most powerful FireWire audio interface ever. Up to 56 channels record/playback, up to 192 kHz sample rate, and true FireWire 800 sum up to an unsurpassed high-end, high performance and high speed FireWire audio interface.
RME Fireface 800 Firewire Audio Interface - Reverb
One of the most powerful FireWire audio interfaces on the market today, the RME Fireface 800 is an audio interface that takes no prisoners. Four recording channels, 56-channel record and playback, and up to 192 kHz sampling rate are just a few …
RME Fireface 800 的继任者 Fireface UFX 三栖动物音频接口评测
2011年3月8日 · RME抛弃了业界唯一一个火线800音频接口Fireface 800,但又拿到了业界唯一一个USB 3.0音频接口的称号,不过这似乎更像是一个噱头,因为它的音频输入/输出接口数量是不变的,就是30进30出了,采样率和量化精度也是固定死24bit/192kHz到头的,USB 2.0都足够了干嘛 …
RME Fireface 800 - Sound On Sound
RME's Fireface 800 brings together all of the company's expertise in developing audio hardware for computers, mic preamps and converters into one highly desirable unit. But can you really fit so much functionality into one interface without cutting corners?
RME Fireface 800怎么样? - 知乎
2022年2月16日 · 新卡可以看一下带 飞秒时钟 的娃娃脸或者更高一点的UCX 2型号。 如果你对声卡各项指标要求更高。 可以看新出的 羚羊zen q。 7500价位。 参数上会高一截过RME。 有用过这个声卡的老师吗,这款声卡素质咋样?
RME - Fireface 800 - midifan:我们关注电脑音乐
FireFace800 800兆带宽火线数字音频接口-技术指标 模拟输入: 8个1/4" TRS, 4个XLR 话筒输入, 1/4" TRS 线路输入, 全部采用平衡接口设计. 1个1/4" TS 非平衡接口 模拟输出: 8个1/4" TRS, 平 …
RME Fireface 800 - 百度百科
RME Fireface 800是一款由RME公司开发的高品质火线专业音频接口,具有24bit/192kHz的专业指标和56通道的高速传输能力。 它是市场上少有的具有800兆带宽传输能力的火线数字音频接口。
RME Fireface 800 - Reverb
The Fireface 800 combines the latest proven technologies of previous RME products with the fastest FireWire technology. The Fireface 800 offers some of the best instrument input implementation to be found anywhere in an audio interface, plus a high-power headphone output and signal-to-noise ratios of 119 dBA - typical RME!
Fireface 800 at the very top of the range of computer-based audio interfaces. The package contains drivers for Windows XP / Vista / 7 and Mac OS X x86 (Intel). Our high-performance philosophy guarantees maximum system performance by executing as many functions as possible not in the driver (i.e.
RME Fireface 800 火线声卡怎么样?介绍评测-野狼音频网
2024年4月27日 · RME公司的产品一向以高品质著称,FireFace800是RME公司在经过了两年多的开发和研制后,制造出来的一款具有24bit/192kHz专业指标高档的56通道高速火线专业音频接口。