High Sulphur Fuel Oil - Shell Global
Next to various grades of RMG and RME, Shell is offering RMK 500 and RMK 700. This provides our customers with a lower fuel cost, without compromising on quality!
Specifications according to ISO 8217:2017. ISO-F-RMK 500 grade. National agreements between the sectors involved have been taken into account. The sampling shall comply with ISO 13739 or its National equivalent. This document specifies the requirements for fuels for use in marine diesel engines and boilers, prior to conventional
ISO 8217:2010 - RMK 500 - Energy Net
RMK 500 -a new grade created by ISO8217:2010. max. *Statutory - in an ECA this must be max 1%S and 3.5%S for all other areas. However, some areas may not have 3.5% available. The Global Cap brought into force on 1st January 2012 has no grace period under Marpol Annex VI.
These specifi cations are regularly reviewed to encompass both equipment-builder and industry requirements, including standard setting organisations such as ASTM and ISO. These specifi cations comply with ISO 8217:2012. Therefore, please note that these specifi cations are subject to change without notice.
ExxonMobil offers a range of marine distillate fuels and heavy fuel oils. Our integrated supply chain enables the delivery of high-quality fuels in a safe and timely manner. Experienced …
rmk系列交流接触器适用于主回路额定电压交流50hz或60hz,额定电压至660v,额定电流1000a的电力系统中接通和 分断电路,并可与适当的热过载继电器组成电动机起动器,以保护可能发生过载的电路。 rmk系列交流接触器执行下列标准
Limit Parameter RMA RMB RMD RME RMF RMG RMH RMK RMH RMK 30 30 80 180 180 380 380 380 700 700 Max. Viscosity at 50°C (mm2/s) 30.0 80.0 180.0 380.0 ... (mg/kg) 150 350 200 500 300 600 600 Max. Water (% V/V) 0.50 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Max. Pour point in Summer (°C) 6 24 30 30 30 30 Max. Pour point in Winter (°C) 0 24 30 30 30 30 Min. Flash point (°C ...
rmk系列交流接触器适用于主回路额定电压交流50hz或60hz, 额定电压至660v, 额定电流1000a的电力系统中接通和分断电路, 并可与适当的热过载继电器组成电动机起动器, 以保护可能发生过载的电路。 rmk系列交流接触器执行下列标准
RMK接触器用于主回路额定电压交流50Hz或60Hz,额定电压至660V,额定电流370A的电力系统中接通和分断电路,并可与适当的热过载继电器组成电动机起动器,以保护可能发生过载的电路。 结构特点编辑. 1.RMK接触器内部结构形式与特性配合更为合理,外观造型更为精巧美观。 2.RMK接触器的灭弧装置采用封闭式结构。 RMK接触器在通断负载的过程中所产生的电弧由灭弧室内部进行有效的息弧,从而在运作过程中对相临部件及导线无任何伤害。 3.RMK接触器的 …
NN-SOURCE | 船用燃料和船舶燃料
液化天然气 (LNG) 是一种较新, 更清洁的替代燃料, 由于其较低的排放和节省成本, 正在航运业中越来越受欢迎. 选择合适的船舶燃料最终取决于多种因素, 包括船舶类型, 航线以及环境考虑因素. 与值得信赖的燃料供应商合作可以帮助船运公司应对这些复杂问题, 找到最适合他们需求的燃料选择. 无论是柴油, 重油, LNG还是其他替代燃料, 选择合适的船舶燃料可以帮助公司更高效地运营, 降低成本, 并减少对环境的影响. 有几种可用的船舶燃料, 每种都具有独特的特性和优势. 以下是一些常见 …
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