RMR on a PCC? - AR15.COM
2021年10月2日 · RMRs can work just fine on a PCC, but you are paying extra for a compact package. You can get an MRO even cheaper not to mention all the red dot tube options from $100 to $200.
Mounting RMR on PCC - Ruger Forum
2023年12月19日 · Elevate your shooting accuracy with the Evolution Gun Works mount for Trijicon RMR/SRO and Holosun 407c/507c, compatible with various Henry, Marlin, and Ruger models. www.egwguns.com Note: I only know about this because it works very well on a Marlin lever action also.
RMR for PCC - Pistol Caliber Carbine - Brian Enos's Forums
2016年10月22日 · I shot my first PCC match yesterday, using a Scorpion Evo with a dual-illum 12.5 minute green triangle RMR. I personally thought it worked great, and didn't really have any issues with it jumping around. I used the CZ Custom Shop RMR mount, because it'll let me cowitness the irons, if I need to.
Red Dots, Leave it on always, or go on/off? - AR15.COM
2021年12月8日 · There are enough options that you can find a RDS that will stay lit at your preferred brightness level for a year. Change the batteries on your birthday and shoot confirm immediately afterwards at the appropriate shooting venue. I turn mine on. but it's part of my "gunning up" routine.
Pistol red dot sight on a rifle - AR15.COM
2020年7月11日 · Does anyone use a pistol red dot sight (RMR, Holosun 507/407, etc.) on a rifle? I have seen them used on rifles in the past but don't know if that's still a thing for a lightweight minimalist optic. Is it mounted on a high point? You could use a Holosun 510c on a rifle. I use them on my mag feed shotgun and PCC.
Dedicated PCC load - Pistol Caliber Carbine - Brian Enos's Forums
2018年8月27日 · I tested some of the 124gr RMR Matchwinners because I still get minor leading in the comp with the reduced load and coated bullets. 3.6gr Titegroup and an OAL of 1.08" (loaded short to also fit my wife's PPQ) with the RMR's gave me a 133 PF with a SD of 16 over 20 shots (Nordic 16" barrel).
Optic recommendations for my pcc? : r/tacticalgear - Reddit
Looking to add a good optic to my fx9 build but Idk what to put on it. Was thinking a rmr on a leap mount to keep it light and compact but I keep seeing people bash open emitter dots, What do you guys suggest? Thanks!
2 optics on PCC? - Pistol Caliber Carbine - Brian Enos's Forums
2018年10月30日 · I had 2 RMRs that I used on my Glock pistols that I had the slides milled specifically for the RMR. I had to return both of them to Trijicon for warranty service because the dot would come on and off randomly while shooting.
Ruger PCC + optic question : r/ruger - Reddit
2023年7月3日 · I have a PCC on the way to my local FFL. In doing some research, I’ve read that putting a red dot/prism on your PCC will not allow you to use the stock iron sights that come with it. Is there a mount option out there that:
45 deg angle mount for RMR on AR9/15 | Sniper's Hide Forum
2011年12月10日 · Looking for a 45 deg mount to mount a RMR on a AR9 for PCC and maybe another on the 3-gun rig. Any suggestions on which are better, worst, bang for buck...