Rock mass rating - Wikipedia
RMR combines the most significant geologic parameters of influence and represents them with one overall comprehensive index of rock mass quality, which is used for the design and construction of excavations in rock, such as tunnels, mines, slopes, and foundations.
Short on the RMR (Rock Mass Rating) system This engineering classification system, which was developed by Bieniawski in 1973, utilises the following six rock mass parameters: Uniaxial compressive strength of intact rock material. Rock quality designation (RQD). Spacing of …
The two most widely used rock mass classifications are Bieniawski's RMR (1976, 1989) and Barton et al's Q (1974). Both methods incorporate geological, geometric and design/engineering parameters in arriving at a quantitative value of their rock mass quality.
Rock Mass Rating - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
The rock mass rating (RMR) or geomechanics system is based on the uniaxial compressive strength of intact rock, rock quality designation (RQD), spacing of discontinuities, condition of discontinuities, groundwater conditions, and orientation of discontinuities with respect to the orientation of the excavation.
RMR是岩体力学中的岩石分类方法,即岩体地质力学分类。 该方案由宾尼亚夫斯基(Bieniawski)于1973年提出,包含:岩块强度、RQD值、节理间距、节理条件、地下水这5个参数。 分类时,根据各类参数的实测资料,按照标准分别评分;然后将各类参数的评分值相加得岩体质量总分RMR值;再按节理分类对其进行修正;最后,用修正后的RMR值将岩体分级。 一种岩石质量评价及分类方法,即南非科学和工业研究委员会提出的CSIR岩体地质力学分类指标值。 …
岩体质量分级(rock mass rating,RMR)是2019年公布的冶金学名词。 1973年南非科学和工业研究委员会提出的一种岩体质量评价与分级体系。 该分级体系包含岩石单轴抗压强度、岩石质 …
Rock Mass Rating calculation (RMR) - MiMaEd
Both this version and the 1976 version deal with estimating the strength of rock masses. The following six parameters are used to classify a rock mass using the RMR system: 1. Uniaxial compressive strength of rock material. 2. Rock Quality Designation (RQD). 3. Spacing of discontinuities. 4. Condition of discontinuities. 5. Groundwater conditions.
The Rock Mass Rating (RMR) System (Geomechanics …
This paper presents a state-of-the-art review of the Geomechanics Classification of rock masses, also known as the RMR System. Developed by the author in 1972–1973, and modified and improved as more case histories became available, the latest version of the system was published in …
Review of rock mass rating classification: Historical developments ...
Historical development of the rock mass rating (RMR) system, first developed and later reviewed by Bieniawski, and contributed by other researchers, is presented. The advanced version of RMR classification and the scope of its application are specified.
What Is Rock Mass Rating and How Do You Calculate It?
2023年1月9日 · Rock Mass Rating (RMR) is a numerical scale developed in the early 1970s to evaluate the strength of rock masses. It is widely used by geotechnical engineers and mining companies to assess the stability of rock slopes and underground excavations.
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