RMT 2000 & 4000 Fire Fighting Systems - Fire Combat
The RMT 2000 has a single oscillating turret and a 120 gallon premix foam capacity, providing approximately 5,000 square feet of coverage. The larger RMT 4000 features two oscillating turrets and a 240 gallon capacity, for approximately 7,800 square feet of coverage.
Fire Combat Literature
Please click on the links below to download product literature (PDF Format). Please click here to view our product video. Fire Combat’s fire suppression products are ready to protect you and …
Fire Fighting Systems - Fire Combat
RMT 2000 & RMT 4000 Fire Protection Systems. These portable fire suppression systems are designed for enclosed spaces. These fire fighting units automatically detect flames and activate their automated CAFS systems. With oscillating spray turrets, our RMT models provide up to 7,800 square feet of reliable, unmanned fire protection.
Crash Rescue's RMT Video - YouTube
The RMT-2000 and RMT-4000 are unique fire protection units for aviation hangars, warehouses, any facility with valuable and flammable materials. With its electronic eye the RMT with detect...
物联网--esp32(4)--esp32-idf的rmt使用笔记 - CSDN博客
2021年5月9日 · rmt模块可以实现将模块内置ram中的脉冲编码转换为信号输出,或将模块的输入信号转换为脉冲编码存入ram中。此外,rmt模块可以选择是否对输出信号进行,也可以选择是否对输入信号进行。rmt有,前4个为发送通道,后4个为接收通道。通道3和7支持。
Fire Combat RMT-4000 Automatic Fire Suppression System
These portable fire suppression systems are designed for enclosed spaces. These fire fighting units automatically detect flames and activate their automated CAFS systems. With oscillating spray turrets, the RMT models provide up to 7,800 square feet of reliable, unmanned fire protection. These are very expensive units from the manufacture.
Crash Rescue Equipment Service Inc. RMT - TheBigRedGuide.com
Completely self-contained, RMTs are unmanned, automatic fire extinguishing systems that deploy high energy, cold, dense foam to smother a fire, or for a superior vapor seal on fuel spills inside the hangar. The RMT has been designed with enclosed areas and hangar fire fighting in mind.
RMT 4000 Portable Fire Suppression System - rfpdb.com
2019年8月30日 · Handline Capability with 100ft hose for manual operation. 2. Electronic flame detection system capable of detecting both ultra violet and infrared light of a flame with 100 ft. 3. Automatic Oscillating Turrets. Within seconds of fire detection, turrets are required to disperse CAFS foam up to a distance of 75ft. 4.
Completely self-contained RMT's are unmanned, automatic fire extinguishing systems that deploy high- energy cold dense foam for a superior vapor seal on potential fuel spills inside the hanger. The resulting effect is exceptional unmanned hangar protection. Capable of detecting a flame and alerting personnel
Fire Combat RMT-4000 Portable Fire Suppression System
Highlights include Toolboxes, Vidmar Style Cabinets, Knuth Lathe, Pallet Racking, Aircraft Lifting Equipment, Work Platforms, Shop Fans, Vacuums, Fire Fighting Equipment, Ladders, Appliances, Supplies and More! All items in this auction are sold "AS-IS"