Suzuki RMX450 as a dual sport - Adventure Rider
2018年12月5日 · Like the OP, I bought a '19 RMX450z thinking it was a great replacement for my much loved DRZ400e. My mods: Full yoshi exhaust, JD Tuner, Seat Concepts seat ( regular …
2010 Suzuki RMX 450 Z - Adventure Rider
2009年6月25日 · The RMX 450 Z is 25 lbs. heavier than the RMZ 450 (272 lbs. vs. 247 lbs.), and the RMX 450 Z only has a fuel capacity of 1.6 gallons. The Kawasaki-Suzuki relationship has …
2017 RMX450Z - Adventure Rider
2017年3月29日 · The other (RMX) is a purpose built bike designed for off road and a derivative of the RMZ which is a race bike, weight and horsepower were primary concerns in the RMZ/X …
2010 Suzuki RMX 450 Z | Page 4 | Adventure Rider
2009年6月25日 · The latest issue of Dirt Rider has a full test of the RMX 450 Z. The really didn't have anything good to say about the bike. Runs like crap (even with most of the emmissions …
Would it be a bad idea to supermoto an RMX450z? - Adventure …
2010年6月22日 · The RMX is a lightly detuned version of the full-house RM-Z450, which had a peak of 54hp... more than any of the competition. It also had the best torque spread. I think the …
RMX450z Dual sport - Adventure Rider
2011年4月21日 · The dealer explained that the RMX450z was better performance than the DR and could be used as a dual sport by buying another set of super motor wheel/Tyre package …
2017 Suzuki RMX 450Z - Adventure Rider
2019年5月22日 · How far can you go at trail speed with 2.6 gallons and a fuel bottle as a back up. I didn’t want another DRZ 400E and a KTM EXC 350 is 10k the 17 RMX 450 is 6699.00 so the …
New street legal Suzuki RMX450Z - Adventure Rider
2014年10月26日 · The miles that bloke has put on his 2011 model RMX sheds some interesting light on the "short service intervals" debate on modern competition 4-stroke engines. Sure if …
Suzuki RMX450Z - Adventure Rider
2008年3月12日 · It will be sell from january. Importer sais that this bike will be reliable like drz (we hope) and will be a real dual sport with normal maintenance (ex. he sais oil excahnge will be …
Rmx450z suzuki...huge mistake suzuki | Adventure Rider
2011年8月19日 · I don't think Suzuki ever intended the RMX to be a replacement for the DRZ but a direct competitor to the WRF, CRF, EXC and other competition enduro models. On that …