The regulation and functions of DNA and RNA G-quadruplexes
2020年4月20日 · Experiments using chemical, molecular and cell biology methods have demonstrated that G4s exist in chromatin DNA and in RNA, and have linked G4 formation with key biological processes ranging...
G-四链体 - 百度百科
G-四分体 (G-quartet)是四链体的 结构单元,由Hoogsteen氢键连接4个G形成 环状 平面,两层或以上的 四分体 通过 π-π堆积 形成四链体。 科学家1962年发现人体癌症细胞中存在着四 螺旋体 DNA分子,被命名为“G-四链体”,这项发现将挑战之前对 DNA结构 教条式理解的观点。 [1] 研究历史:通过鉴定与 鸟嘌呤 相关的凝胶样物质,鉴定与鸟嘌呤高结合的结构在1960年代初期变得显而易见。 更具体地说,这项研究详细描述了与鸟嘌呤高度相关的四链DNA结构,该结构后来 …
G-Quadruplexes in RNA Biology: Recent Advances and
2021年4月1日 · RNA G-quadruplexes (RG4s) are four-stranded structures known to control gene expression mechanisms, from transcription to protein synthesis, and DNA-related processes.
RNA G-quadruplex structures control ribosomal protein production
2021年11月23日 · We demonstrate that a sub-population of these RNA G4s are reliably detected as folded structures in cross-linked cellular lysates using the G4 structure-specific antibody BG4. The 5′ UTRs of...
Global mapping of RNA G-quadruplexes (G4-RNAs) using G4RP-seq
2022年2月9日 · Guanine-rich RNAs can fold into four-stranded structures, termed G-quadruplexes (G4-RNAs), and participate in a wide range of biological processes. Here we describe in detail a...
RNA G-quadruplexes (rG4s): genomics and biological functions
2021年3月27日 · G-quadruplexes (G4s) are non-classical DNA or RNA secondary structures that have been first observed decades ago. Over the years, these four-stranded structural motifs have been demonstrated to have significant regulatory roles in diverse biological processes, but challenges remain in detecting them globally and reliably.
RNA G-quadruplexes and stress: emerging mechanisms and …
2024年2月9日 · RNA G-quadruplexes (rG4s) are emerging stress-responsive cis -elements found in both the coding and noncoding transcriptomes. The dynamics of rG4s contribute to different aspects of RNA metabolism from transcription to decay. Cellular stress affects rG4s’ dynamics and the functions of rG4-bearing transcripts.
G-quadruplex DNA and RNA: Their roles in regulation of DNA …
2020年10月8日 · G4 appears both in DNA and RNA, and potentially in mixed RNA/DNA on RNA-DNA hybrids. Recent studies show a varieties of biological roles associated with nucleic acids forming G4 or its related structures.
RNA G-quadruplex in functional regulation of noncoding RNA: …
G-quadruplex (G4) are stable, non-canonical structures formed in DNA/RNA by guanine-rich sequences and reported to play a regulatory role in various cellular processes. In this review, Vinodh et al. highlight the role and function of G4 structures in non-coding RNA and emerging opportunities to identify and target those structures.
Nat Cell Biol:曲晓刚团队开发特异性靶向DNA G-四链体新技术
研究背景. G-四链体 (G-quadruplex, G4)是由富含鸟嘌呤(G)的DNA或RNA序列折叠形成的高级结构[1]。 G-四分体(G-quartet)是四链体的结构单元,由Hoogsteen氢键连接4个G形成环状平面,两层或以上的四分体通过π-π堆积形成四链体,并且由一价阳离子如Na+或K+离子进一步稳 …