Unique Science Gifts The DNA Store Bobblehead Statue
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Garden Features | National Botanic Gardens of Ireland
The two greatest discoveries in the biologiical sciences – Darwin’s Natural Selection, and the structure of DNA – are thus embodied in this sculpture. Darwin’e remarkably prescient insight into molecular evolution is quoted on the first RNA molecule arising ‘in some warm little pond‘.
Learn about the cool campus artwork at CSHL
The statue, Waltz of the Polypeptides, depicts how a protein is created in cells. The oblong blobs are ribosomes, and the ribbon that runs through them is the protein. Ribosomes receive protein-making instructions from messenger RNA and uses them to build various amino acids into strings of proteins and polypeptides.
RNA-Puzzles Round V: blind predictions of 23 RNA structures
2024年12月2日 · Our analyses reveal some critical steps to be overcome to achieve good accuracy in modeling RNA structures: identification of helix-forming pairs and of non-Watson–Crick modules, correct coaxial...
Insights into RNA structure and function from genome-wide studies
2014年5月13日 · This Review discusses our latest understanding of how RNA structure influences various steps of gene expression, including translation, mRNA localization and microRNA-mediated gene regulation.
Donald Backos Artstation Portfolio - Covid-19 Protease Statue
This is the structure of the COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) main protease that plays an essential role in processing the proteins that are translated from the viral RNA. Inhibition of this protease would halt viral replication and this protein represents one of the best drug targets for developing new treatments for COVID-19 infection.
N6-methyladenosine of chromosome-associated regulatory RNA …
2020年1月16日 · N6-methyladenosine (m6A) regulates stability and translation of messenger RNA (mRNA) in various biological processes. In this work, we show that knockout of the m6A writer Mettl3 or the nuclear rea...
RNA Statue - 3D Model Database
... is a 3d model of a rna nano-object assembled from 8 rna units. each unit was based on the structure of a class ii trna molecule.
RNA Molecule Statue - Outdoor Sculpture in Downtown
See what your friends are saying about RNA Molecule Statue. By creating an account you are able to follow friends and experts you trust and see the places they’ve recommended. Log in …
RNA Statue 3D model - CGTrader
dna RNA Statue 3D model rna statue dna heykel, formats include MAX, FBX, DWG, ready for 3D animation and other 3D projects