terminology - What does RNG mean? - Arqade
2015年4月2日 · Notably in the context of Pokemon and other RPG-esque games (although not in the context of speed running), RNG is also commonly used to refer to (P)RNG abuse, that is, …
What Does "RNG" Stand For? - MMO-Champion
2008年6月17日 · RNG is an algorithm that attempts to create 'random' scenarios from a list of options. Since computers cannot be truly random by nature, sometimes you get ridiculous …
What does RNG mean? - MMO-Champion
2011年11月8日 · Random Number Generator - meaning if you "roll" a 1 you win if you roll an even you lose. Normally use when describing an encounter or boss move that you cant do anything …
RNG In World of Warcraft - mmo-champion.com
2013年2月17日 · RNG is the reason WoW exists. PvP, PvE, loot, stats, everything. The worst example of RNG are critical hits. Imagine having 80% critical chance on a skill and having it hit …
trove - How does Magic Find affect loot drops? - Arqade
2015年9月27日 · It increases your rng to get a better drop. However it is not as simple as it seems to be. First your item is generated, and then your magic find will trigger and boost its level until …
enter the gungeon - What does the "R" and "G" in the R&G
2020年1月22日 · "RNG" (Random Number Generator, the thing people blame when randomness works against them) "R&D Department" (Research & Development, a common department in …
How is combat damage determined in Old School RuneScape?
2016年2月19日 · Runescape's numbers are determined by a random number generator (RNG) and all of your stats and armor bonuses play a factor. So your stats may put you into a …
Is Diablo 3 loot system really RNG? [closed] - Arqade
Now from my understanding of RNG, it's a Bell Curved chance. What it means is: The overall chance will shift with the average. But from my playing of Diablo 3, it DOESN'T seem so! If the …
RNG? I think it's designed - Page 2 - mmo-champion.com
2016年12月22日 · Another week without upgrades. This game is no fun anymore, it is frustrating and makes me angry. Loot is 99% of the time CRAP, the same piece of junk or no loot at all. …
How much fun is 2h Frost? - Page 2 - mmo-champion.com
2023年1月20日 · Just seems to hit harder and pressing their combo spenders feels good. Meanwhile with my frost DK idk. I have to pop all my major CD's just to do halfway decent …