Transaction History Doesn't Show All Orders - Blizzard Support
You can use the drop-down to switch between them. Information about older subscription orders that doesn't appear in the Transaction History can be retrieved through the Data Copy feature. If an order doesn't show in either the Transaction History or the Data Copy file, it means you placed the order with a different Battle.net account.
CAS System Unable to Initialize ClientHandler - Blizzard Support
Common Problems Cannot start WoW. ClientHandler: initialization error: failed to create storage component. The CAS system was unable to initialize.Information about ...
Search: reset password - Blizzard Support - Battle.net
What to do if you have lost the password for the Blizzard Data file.
BLZBNTAGT0000096A - Blizzard Support
Information on error BLZBNTAGT0000096A
Stuck on Initializing While Installing or Patching
Troubleshooting steps for when a game installation or update is stuck on
Battle.net Desktop App - Blizzard Support
Battle.net desktop app information
Recovering Battle.net Account Login Information
Customer Support can assist in recovering Battle.net Accounts if provided with necessary information.
Faction Change Effects - Blizzard Support
Faction-specific reputations which do not have an equivalent in the new faction will reset back to Neutral. Reputations with races and factions that have no allegiance to the Horde or to the Alliance remain unaffected. Allied Races have no allegiance to either faction. This means that reputation with an Allied Race will not convert to the new race.
Connected Realms - Blizzard Support
List of connected realms and information on how connected realms work.
StarCraft II System Requirements - Blizzard Support
Below are the minimum and recommended system specifications for StarCraft® II for Windows® and Mac®. Due to potential programming changes, the minimum system requirements for StarCraft II may change over time. Note: For a list of compatible video hardware, see our Supported Video Cards list.