Disbandment of the RNZAF air combat force - Wikipedia
The RNZAF's air combat units were disbanded in October 2001, and many of the aircraft were eventually sold. [2] In November 1998, The National-led Coalition Government made the decision to lease 28 F-16 A/B fighter aircraft.
NZDF F-16 Fighting Falcon - ADF-SERIALS
In 2002 the newly elected New Zealand government decided to abandon the plans to replace the A-4K with the Pakistani F-16s disband the RNZAF's Air Combat capability. If delivered, the aircraft would have been operated by 75 Squadron at Ohakea and No. 2 Squadron detachment based at Nowra, NSW in Australia providing air attack training for the ...
Review of the F16 Aircraft for the Royal New Zealand Airforce
2000年4月1日 · On 17 December 1999, the Cabinet approved an independent review of the proposal to lease 28 F-16 fighters for the Royal New Zealand Air Force. I was asked to conduct the review through the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and to report no later than 6 …
Royal New Zealand Air Force - Wikipedia
The majority of RNZAF personnel served with RAF units, six RNZAF Article XV squadrons, which were RNZAF units attached to RAF formations, and the Royal Navy's Fleet Air Arm (FAA). They served in Europe, the Mediterranean, South East Asia and other theatres.
The ultimate F-16, F-35 and F-22 reference - F-16.net
F-16 Aircraft Database Royal New Zealand Air Force F-16s [Back to F-16 Aircraft Database menu | Missing Photos | Hall of Fame] Found 28 aircraft, displaying 16- 28 [Sorted by USAF FY/n] Aircraft T/V Local S/N AF/Unit Version Date Status Details; 92-0408 DG-11 Delivered: 93739 ...
New Zealand Plans To Buy 28 Secondhand F-16C/D to Replace Skyhawk
2020年9月7日 · The NZ government looked carefully at F-16, which are a low-cost fighter. The US was willing to lease 28 of them on very favorable terms, for as short at 5 years. NZ did an analysis and was willing to operate as many as 22 and use 6 for spares.
No. 14 Squadron RNZAF - Wikipedia
14 Squadron RNZAF is a squadron of the Royal New Zealand Air Force. In 2015 the squadron was re-raised and equipped with 11 Beechcraft T-6 Texan II. A new aerobatic display team called the Black Falcons was also formed using the new aircraft. They replaced the RNZAF display team known as the Red Checkers.
The ultimate F-16, F-35 and F-22 reference - F-16.net
The first foreign customer, beyond the four European NATO originators, of the F-16 program was Iran. As a part of the Shah's plan to modernize the Imperial Iranian Air Force, Iran signed a letter of intent on October 27th, 1976 for 160 F-16 aircraft, with the possibility of …
RNZAF F-16 Images | Wings Over New Zealand - ProBoards
2009年2月8日 · RNZAF F-16 Images. General. General Board. Forum Information and Problem Solving. ... Board. The Royal New Zealand Air Force Boards. Pre-WWII New Zealand Military Aviation. Wartime Royal New Zealand Air Force. RNZAF Activity From US Naval War Diaries. Postwar and Modern RNZAF Discussion. Codes-Serials. New Zealanders In Foreign Air Forces ...
'What nearly was' Royal New Zealand Air force F-16A/B Block 15 …
2012年2月19日 · 'What nearly was' Royal New Zealand Air force F-16A/B Block 15 OCU/MLU Anthology. When doing some research about the proposed Kahu II upgrade for the RNZAF A-4K fleet I found some good info on the New Zealand F-16 deal 'that nearly was' in the late 1990s/early 2000s. I decided to make as accurate 'what if' version I could.