High-harmonic generation from a flat liquid-sheet plasma mirror
2023年4月22日 · We demonstrated HHG from the liquid plasma mirror in the ROM regime using a 150-TW-laser with a pulse energy of 5J.
Bright high-order harmonic generation with controllable polarization ...
2016年8月17日 · In this paper, we propose and numerically demonstrate the generation of intense HHG with fully controlled polarization from laser plasmas. We show that this can be achieved using a CP laser...
高次谐波产生(High Harmonic Generation) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
摘要: 高次谐波产生 是一种极端的非线性效应,强场激光聚焦到气体介质上的时候,会发生非线性效应,可以得到上百阶的高能谐波光子。 作为一种相干的宽谱高能光源,它可以用来产生 阿秒脉冲 ( 10^ {-18}s ),同时,它也可以在百电子伏附近及以下的波段部分代替 同步辐射光源,甚至在一定程度上优于同步辐射光源。 高次谐波其实很简单,如图1所示,把飞秒激光聚焦到气体源中,就可以产生高能光子。 产生高次谐波需要的场强需要达到 10^ {14} W/cm^2 量级,其实相 …
High-order harmonic generation (HHG) from intense laser-matter interaction is one of the most important routes to breaking through the femtosecond limit and achieving brilliant attosecond pulse radiations, and thus having aroused great interest in recent years.
High-order-harmonic generation in atomic and molecular systems
2017年3月16日 · High-order-harmonic generation (HHG) results from the interaction of ultrashort laser pulses with matter. It configures an invaluable tool to produce attosecond pulses, moreover, to extract electron structural and dynamical information of …
Relativistic short-pulse high harmonic generation at 1.3 and 2.1
2019年4月30日 · Two distinct mechanisms of short-pulse laser-solid HHG in reflection geometries have been investigated: the relativistic oscillating mirror (ROM) and coherent wake emission (CWE). ROM HHG occurs when the critical density surface electrons are driven to relativistic speeds by the intense laser field.
(PDF) Relativistic short-pulse high harmonic generation at 1.3 and …
2019年4月1日 · There are three main distinguishing features between CWE and ROM HHG. First, CWE has only been detected in p -polarized geometries, therefore detection of the 4th and higher harmonics from an s...
What is High-harmonic Generation (HHG)? High-harmonic Generation? Phenomenon where high frequency photons are generated when intense laser light interacts with a medium. Why we need High-harmonic generation? High-harmonic generation is a …
为简单正/ 余弦波(即简谐波)的确很“和谐”。因为简谐运动(simple harmonic motion)是最简单、最基本的周期运动,它在形式上非常的简单、规则:所受回复力始终保�. 大小与位移大小成线性正比关系、方向相反。画出位置随时间变化的曲线即为简单优美的正/余弦曲线,而在位置与速度组成的相空间中则表. 有谐波这个词,可能是与听感的优美和谐有关。人们把发音物体有规�. 地振动而产生的具有固定音高的音称为乐音。 般乐器发出的音都不是�. 频率的音,而是�. 率为基音整数倍的音 …
High-harmonic generation from an atomically thin semiconductor
2016年11月14日 · High-harmonic generation (HHG) in bulk solids permits the exploration of materials in a new regime of strong fields and attosecond timescales 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. The...