Ocean Bottom Nodes - TGS
ROV deployment offers proven repeatability for 4D reservoir monitoring. The small size allows for more nodes per skid, improving efficiencies. The scalable, automated handling system and software, combined with hands-free data download, deliver an unrivaled speed of operations.
你所不知道的海洋勘探“黑”科技 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
< obn是如何工作的? > 一、流程简述. 利用 水下机器人 将自备电源的obn布置在海底→接收地震波→回收obn→下载数据并进行处理和解释。 右上角rov工作船负责布置海底节点;左上角的震源船释放地震波;海底节点接收信号. 二、细说流程. 2.1 准备工作
其中,无人缆控潜水器(Remote Operated Vehicle,ROV)通过光电复合缆实现水下与水面的实时通讯与动力传输,具有较大的负载能力、可拓展性和较强的可操控性,可实现长时间连续水下工作。 相比较于传统的潜水作业方式,ROV具有下潜深、成本低、安全性好等优点,借助于高精度的水声定位技术,可满足OBN的高精度节点布设要求。 本文主要结合作业级ROV 在非洲东海岸1次OBN节点布设中的应用实例,探讨基于ROV的水下节点布设技术的可行性,为后续国内开展海底地震节点布设 …
rov友好式obn释放系统及rov布放操作方式,基于rov友好式设计理念,按设计的操作方式可安全、快捷地从释放 系统中取出OBN,实现在水下连续不间断地布放,避免频繁回收释放ROV造成时效延误,从而大幅提高ROV精确布放
Deep Water OBN - SAExploration
Deep Water OBN. In the deep-water environments, SAExploration configures a typical survey crew with a single certified DP-2 classed Construction Support Vessel (CSV) staffed and equipped for twin work-class ROV operations, which is supplemented with an industry seismic source vessel configured and tuned to specific source signature requirements.
ROV Seismic Support - Offshore Seismic Survey | Geo Ocean
Geo Oceans completed an 85-day ROV campaign providing Mini-ROV support for a large OBN seismic survey offshore of Malaysia.
Ocean Bottom Nodes – Past, Present and Future | Earthdoc
The resulting data showed a clear uplift over that acquired previously using ocean bottom cable (OBC) equipment and was a forerunner to the extensive volume of OBN surveys that have been acquired worldwide in both deep water, using ROVs for deployment, and shallower water depths where both node-on-a-rope (NOAR) and node-on-a wire (NOAW) systems ...
Application of ROV in OBN Subsea Deployment
This paper introduces a bespoke ROV-friendly OBN launch and recovery system (LARS). Based on an ROV-friendly design concept, a large number of OBNs can be safely and quickly taken out from the launch and recovery system and deployed by the ROV in quick successions.
水下机器人在OBN海底布放中的应用 - hysy.shopc.com.cn
ROV技术在海底地震节点布设中的应用及展望 - cgsjournals.com
2020年7月3日 · 由于无人缆控潜水器(Remote Operated Vehicle,ROV)对海洋环境的良好适应性和强大的工程干预能力,为探索海底地震节点布设提供了新方法。 笔者综合介绍了ROV的技术特点,结合具体工程实例讨论了基于ROV的海底地震节点布设的主要技术流程。