Nanofil Application Kits - wpiinc.com
These kits are specifically designed for ocular research applications, such as retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and intraocular (IO) injection. The kits integrate into our NanoFil™ syringe, and can be paired with our UMP3 microinjection pump for accurate and repeatable submicroliter sample delivery.
Buffer RPE is a mild washing buffer, and a proprietary component of RNeasy Kits. Its main function is to remove traces of salts, which are still on the column due to buffers used earlier in the protocol. Ethanol, which is added by the user just before using the kit for the first time, is an important ingredient of Buffer RPE.
Rape kit - Wikipedia
A rape kit or rape test kit is a package of items used by medical, police or other personnel for gathering and preserving physical evidence following an instance or allegation of sexual assault. The evidence collected from the victim can aid the criminal rape investigation and the prosecution of a suspected assailant.
動物眼科研究注射套組 | 瀧太實驗服務有限公司
Nanofil Application Kits 貨號:玻璃體內注射(RPE-KIT)、眼內注射( IO-KIT) 專為實驗動物眼科研究而設計 包括 SilFlex 管、墊圈、支架和鈍針各一根:33g、34g、35g 和 36g NanoFil 注射器單獨出售 小於 3 μL 死體積 實現準確、重複、無油的進樣 可搭配顯微注射幫浦、機械手臂 【應用】 視網膜色素上皮注射 小鼠 ...
RPE-KIT/ IO-KIT 注射工具包 - zelon
Each kit includes two pieces of silflex tubing ( one for a spare ),a holder assembly, spare gaskets, and an assortmemt of four tips – blunt for the RPE kit and beveled tips for the IO kit. Each kit comes with one each of 33, 34, 35 and 36 gauge tips so that first time users can find the best size for their application.
STEMdiff™-ACF RPE Differentiation Kit - STEMCELL
Immature RPE generated using STEMdiff™-ACF RPE Differentiation Kit can be cryopreserved as an intermediate cell bank or matured further into functional RPE using STEMdiff™-XF RPE Maturation Medium. By using these products together, a highly pure population of RPE (Figure 2) can be generated from hPSCs in as few as 49 days without the need ...
WPI Nanofil Application Kits - MilliporeSigma
These kits are specifically designed for ocular research applications, such as retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and intraocular (IO) injection. The kits integrate into our NanoFil™ syringe, and can be paired with our UMP3 microinjection pump for accurate and repeatable submicroliter sample delivery.
Application Kits for Use with the NanoFil for Microinjection
Application kits are specially designed for eye research for injecting retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and for intraocular (IO) injections. In addition, these kits may be used for brain injection in mice. They need to be used with a NanoFil syringe and UMPIII to achieve accurate, repetitive and oil-free injection in the submicroliter range.
PJ31K | Agilent
R-Phycoerythrin Conjugation Kit. Contains everything needed to conjugate up to 1 mg (~1000 tests) of your antibody to RPE. Complete step-by-step protocols are included and allow small scale conjugations (down to 50 µg of antibody). This kit utilizes the best linking method and the brightest RPE available.
RPE-KIT - wpi-europe.com
This kit is designed for retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) in eye research applications. It is used with the NanoFil syringe and the UMPIII micro syringe pump to achieve accurate, repetitive, oil-free injections in the submicroliter range.