FAQs - respiratory protective equipment - HSE
When should I provide RPE? The law requires employers to prevent or control the exposure of employees and others (eg subcontractors) to hazardous substances at work. Before using …
RPE is a particular type of personal protective equipment (PPE) designed to protect the wearer from breathing in harmful substances or from oxygen-deficient atmospheres when other …
3.2 This RPE policy sets out a corporate approach to the use of use of RPE, including information on the various types of RPE that are currently available. It is for the service to determine, …
Respiratory Protective Equipment - Health and Safety Authority
Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) is a particular type of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), used to protect the individual wearer against the inhalation of hazardous substances in …
respiratory protective equipment (RPE) in the workplace, in order to comply with the law. It tells you when you can use RPE, using a simple step-by-step...
Respiratory protective equipment at work - HSE
This fourth edition provides essential guidance on why respiratory protective equipment (RPE) should be used, what the law says and how to select RPE that is adequate and suitable. It also...
Respiratory protective equipment (RPE) - HSE
This website will provide information and tools for employers and others who may need to use RPE in the workplace.
Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) not worn or selected appropriately is totally ineffective and may give the user a false sense of protection. The aim of these guidelines is to provide …
Essential Guide to Defining Respiratory Protective Equipment
RPE serves as a critical line of defense against airborne hazards, and its proper selection and management can significantly reduce health risks for workers. As we have explored, …
Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) is a particular type of personal protective equipment (PPE) designed to protect the wearer from breathing in harmful substances when other …