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Learn about how to auto-regulate training using RPE and many other tools that will allow you to listen to your body like an advanced lifter. This can spark new and faster gains in your strength. Get DVDs, books, and courses, to hit your next breakthrough in powerlifting. A fully customized program and 1-on-1 contact sets this option apart.
RTS(Reactive Training Systems)训练法第一篇:如何用RTS的方 …
在讲解RTS之前,我们先要介绍一个概念:RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion),感官发力的效率。 RPE是你个人判断你目前精力如何的一个方法,从1到10排,10为力竭边缘。 我们拿深蹲为例: 小明今天深蹲了100公斤,做了5下,他本来想做6下的,可是第6下头上他刚起了一半就力竭失败了。 那么,我们用RPE来定义他每做完一下深蹲还剩余的精力吧。 第六蹲 - 力竭;因为他根本没有能力完成这一下深蹲,所以这一蹲无法用RPE来衡量。 第五蹲 - 成功;虽然成功,但是他做完这 …
Customizing Your RPE Chart - Reactive Training Systems
2016年1月6日 · You should be well equipped to customize your own RPE chart. This will help your training be more accurate than before. You can also use it with our Training Log Application to make your estimated maxes more accurate.
【技术贴】RTS力量训练理念介绍:Reactive Training Systems【直 …
RTS的原理就是:这些鬼计划一点用都没有,这些鬼计划缺乏个性化,如果你一旦出现状态问题、或者得了感冒,或者精力不足。 这些计划没有任何补救措施。 RTS认为,最好的训练方式,就是让你每次训练的时候,凭当天的状况来觉得当天的训练方式。 就算是最强的力量举选手,他每个月也会有那一两天状态不佳,这个时候计划非要他突破1RM,他做得到么? 做不到就又要改天重新再来,浪费好几天的时间。 而就算是实力最弱的新手,他也每个月会有几天睾酮爆棚,比平时 …
RTS General Intermediate Program Spreadsheet - Lift Vault
2020年4月18日 · Reactive Training Systems (RTS) train some of the strongest powerlifters on the planet, so when Mike Tuchscherer published a general outline for a training program people took notice. RTS have been some of the strongest proponents of using RPE in training or Rate of Perceived Exertion.
RTS Athlete Education - Reactive Training Systems
All RTS programing uses Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) as a way to auto-regulate the training loads. This is to account for the natural fluctuations of strength that occur. One of the main goals of training is to put the correct weight on the bar and perform the correct number of repetitions.
RTS Reactive Training Systems响应式力量举训练计划《RTS …
RPE就是rate of perceived exertion的缩写。 简单地说就是你在完成一组动作 的时候有多费劲。 这是一个在一个特定时间段内对力量水平的主观描述。 1-10分,越高代表你做那组的时候越累。 你可以设计一个自己的RPE量表,也可以用本书所提供的,但必须一以贯之,不能换来换去。 首先我来解释一下为什么你需要用RPE评分,而不是一个力量百分比。
Beginning RTS - Reactive Training Systems
2015年11月29日 · RPE stands for Rate of Perceived Exertion, or basically how hard a particular set felt. It’s fairly common to hear people tell about an “easy triple” or a single they really had to grind out. These terms are fairly ambiguous and will …
通过次数和RPE描述强度,能更准确地预估肌肉对张力及时长的反应,从而获得更准确、稳定的训练效果。 至此,希望你已理解强度准确度的重要性,下面我们将探讨几个可能的训练效果及其实现方式。 神经效率. 为了提升中枢神经系统募集运动神经元的效率,我们需要用较高强度训练。 通常我们会做1-3次组,RPE约为9-10。 x1@8或x4@10也行,但它们的效果略逊。 学习如何冲击极限. 这是个庞大的话题,但很多人都不理解它的重要性。 冲击极限需要你掌握如何应对艰难重 …
How to Use RPE in Your Training *Correctly* - Reactive Training …
2017年12月5日 · “RPE” stands for Rate of Perceived Exertion. It’s basically a measure of difficulty for the previous set. Since it’s just a subjective rating of difficulty, you can use RPE for basically anything. In fact, the concept of RPE has its roots in endurance training.