ACE IFT Model for Cardiorespiratory Training: Phases 1–4
Ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) correlate fairly well with this three-zone model: “moderate” to “somewhat hard” (RPE = 3–4, 0-to-10 scale) below VT1 “hard” (RPE = 5–6, 0-to-10 scale) between VT1 and VT2 “very hard” to “extremely hard” (RPE = 7–10, 0-to-10 scale) above VT2.
谈谈训练03:训练区间划分的科学(上) - 知乎专栏
VT1和VT2在通气测试中可以通过 呼吸商 (respiratory exchange ratio) 来量化。 呼吸商,通气测试中呼出二氧化碳与吸入氧气的比值,可以通过呼吸商来标定能源底物以及代谢类型: 以脂肪为能源底物时,由于其分子中氢对氧的比例较糖分子中高,氧既需用于碳氧化,也要用于与氢氧化,需消耗较多的氧,故呼吸商小于1(0.7~0.8);以糖类为能源底物时,其呼吸商等于1;当进行无氧代谢时,呼吸商将大于1。
【綜合訓練】無氧有氧運動怎麼分 身體會告訴你 | 運動筆記
2016年9月20日 · 談話測試(VT1、VT2) RPE 或 Borg 量表(運動自覺量表) 簡化的 RPE 量表是種很直接又方便能夠判定強度的標準,用 0-10 的程度,用最客觀的方式來回答。簡單形容分類: 1-4 是從輕鬆到輕微的累; 5-6 是蠻累且呼吸也較為急促; 7-8 有點難且非常累
VT1 and VT2: to understand your training - GureUltra
2024年2月16日 · VT2: is the second metabolic change point, also known as the anaerobic threshold (although this is an inaccurate definition). It occurs when the production of lactate and hydrogenions exceeds the body’s ability to maintain acid-base balance, resulting in …
运动处方制定必备技能之心肺运动试验(CPET)— 通气阈(VT) …
在这一阶段,缓冲系统提供了一个接近恒定负载的条件,直到达到VT2(这与血乳酸浓度±4 mmol/L近似一致,或血乳酸快速增加(如乳酸阈值)。 在CPET的VT2正下方,有很多受试者将达到其临界功率(CP)或最大乳酸稳态(MLSS),即在VT1以上长时间有氧运动的上限,在VO2和乳酸 ...
Target RPE at the Ventilatory Threshold - Musculoskeletal Key
2017年5月22日 · A target RPE at the VT (RPE-VT) can be identified using responses to a perceptual estimation test protocol including measures of VO 2. Once the RPE-VT is calculated, the individual is taught to self-regulate exercise intensity to produce the specified target RPE.
Ventilatory threshold - Wikipedia
In kinesiology, the ventilatory threshold (VT1) refers to the point during exercise at which the volume of air breathed out (expiratory ventilation) starts to increase at an exponentially greater rate than VO 2 (breath-by-breath volume of oxygen (O 2)). [1] .
Optimizing Outcomes in Cardiac Rehabilitation: The Importance …
The second ventilatory threshold (VT2) (also termed respiratory compensation point, critical power, or lactate threshold) represents the exercise intensity at which blood lactate accumulates rapidly, excess CO 2 can no longer be eliminated, and there is a disproportionate increase in VE relative to CO 2 production (VCO2) (1, 28).
Exercise intensity domains determined by heart rate at ventilatory ...
2022年10月3日 · Exercise intensity prescribed according to the first and second ventilatory threshold (VT1 and VT2), identified by cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET), is considered the gold-standard method. However, because CPET is often not available, percentages of peak heart rate (%HRpeak) or heart rate reserve (%HRR), according to heart rate (HR ...
運動生理學網站 跑步能力的生理指標等級分析 - epsport.net
VT2 (換氣閾值2、4 mM乳酸閾值)、VT1 (換氣閾值1、2 mM乳酸閾值) 則是指人體在跑步運動時,二氧化碳產生、氧氣消耗效率最佳的跑步速度。 依據換氣閾值 (ventilatory threshold, VT1) 與respiratory compensation point (RCP, VT2) 對應的跑步強度,分別代表長時間跑步運動時的有氧與 ...