眼科知识 | 视网膜色素上皮(RPE)的功能与疾病 - 知乎
视网膜色素上皮 (RPE)是由排列在视网膜最外层的一层规则的多边形细胞组成。 RPE的外侧连接布鲁赫膜和脉络膜,内侧连接光感受器细胞的外节。 外侧呈现出基底内折叠样,这增加了细胞表面积,促进物质交换。 位于布鲁赫膜最内层的半桥粒与基底膜紧密相连。 RPE细胞内部有延伸到光感受器外节 (POS)之间的微绒毛结构,参与了RPE的吞噬功能。 单层RPE与缝隙连接之间形成的紧密连接控制着物质的运动,同时与布鲁赫膜和脉络膜在视网膜外侧形成 脉络膜-血-视网膜屏障。 …
Retinal Localization and Copper-Dependent ... - ARVO Journals
WD or MD protein migration toward the apical or basal RPE may facilitate copper import or export across the blood–brain barrier from the retina. The expression of both MD and WD genes within a single cell type is unusual.
Cholesterol-mediated activation of acid sphingomyelinase disrupts ...
We demonstrate that bisretinoids trap cholesterol and bis (monoacylglycero)phosphate, an acid sphingomyelinase (ASMase) cofactor, within the RPE. ASMase activation increases cellular ceramide, which promotes tubulin acetylation on stabilized microtubules.
Aquaporin-1 channels in human retinal pigment epithelium: role in ...
Results: AQP1 protein was detected in human RPE in situ and in cultures of human adult and fetal RPE cells. In functional assays, AQP1 facilitated water movement across RPE monolayers in an expression-dependent manner in two complementary model systems.
In-Depth Characterisation of Retinal Pigment Epithelium (RPE) …
Induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) has widely been appreciated as a promising tool to model human ocular disease emanating from primary RPE pathology. Here, we describe the successful reprogramming of adult ...
The Effect of Pegcetacoplan Treatment on Photoreceptor
Methods: We performed fully automated, deep learning-based segmentation of retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) loss and PR thickness on SD-OCT volumes acquired at baseline and months 2, 6, and 12. The difference in the change of PR loss …
Glial, neuronal, vascular, RPE and inflammatory cell damage in a …
This study investigated retinal changes in a Western diet (WD)-induced non-human primate (NHP) model of Type 2 diabetes (T2D). Rhesus NHP aged 15-17 years old were fed a high fat diet (n=7) for more than 5 years with the aim of reflecting the traditional WD. Age-matched controls (n=6) were fed a sta …
Altered cytokine profiles of human retinal pigment epithelium: …
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a local, chronic inflammatory disease of the eye that is influenced by oxidative stress and dysregulation of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) associated with aging. The purpose of this study is to ...
视网膜色素上皮细胞吞噬功能与MERTK - 豆丁网
2016年9月13日 · rpe 细胞吞噬功能的研究表明,rpe 细胞对视细胞外节 膜盘(rod outer segments,ROS) 的吞噬是受体介导的特异 性吞噬过程,分为结合、摄入及消化三个不同的时相
力量训练术语——RM REP RPE - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
RPE(Rate of Perceived Exertion, 主观用力程度) 是衡量相对强度的主观标准。 为什么高手训练计划用RPE评分而不是n%1RM? 人体的 快肌纤维 / 慢肌纤维 比例不同——比如两个人1RM都是100kg,慢肌纤维多的人9RM是77kg,快肌纤维多的人9RM是75kg。
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