RPK - Battlefield Wiki | Fandom
The RPK is a weapon featured in Battlefield 4: China Rising and is issued to the Support class. The RPK retains wooden furniture as seen in earlier Battlefield games. It has a low rate of fire which makes recoil low and accuracy high over a long period of shooting.
RPK-12 - Battlefield Wiki
The RPK-12 is a light machine gun featured in Battlefield 4. It is unlocked upon completion of the Support Expert gold tier assignment. Much like the U-100 MK5, the RPK-12 is a very stable and accurate support weapon, with a low rate of fire. It has the advantage of a …
战地风云 4/装备 - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
本条目列举的是战地风云4的步兵装备和步兵可以在战场拾取以及使用的武器装备。 枪械归类按战地风云4兵种武器归类而不采用现实归类方式,如归类性质有冲突会于表格后特别注明。 在全自动手枪中,有时候一些手枪会被归类于冲锋枪,例如格洛克18。 实际上LMG不光指代的轻机枪,也涵盖了重管自动步枪。 实际上95班机就是一款重管自动步枪,这种武器还有一个分类叫做轻型支援武器 (Light Support Weapon/LSW)。 精确射手步枪除了需要拥有高精度以外还需要一定的火 …
战地IV轻机枪介绍 - 哔哩哔哩
中间威力弹的伤害全威力弹要更小,能做到四枪死的射程短了四分之一左右,相对应的,rpk的后坐比起同射速的pkp也更小。 另外值得一提的是RPK的后坐回复是15,像PKP这样的重型轻机枪是12,所以RPK能在远距离以更高的频率打出稳定的单发点射。
RPK - Battlefield Wiki
The RPK (Russian:Ruchnoy Pulemyot Kalashnikova, Ручной пулемёт Калашникова; English: Kalashnikov hand-held machine gun) is a Soviet/Russian light machine gun, developed by Mikhail Kalashnikov in the late 1950s. The RPK was developed alongside the AKM rifle and shares much of its design, firing...
Battlefield 4 - How to unlock RPK-74M - Powder Keg (China …
Guide to how to unlock the RPK-74M LMG in Battlefield 4
Finally unlocked RPK-12, how is it different than the RPK ... - Reddit
2017年1月19日 · The RPK-12 is different from the RPK (RPK-74m pre patch), in that it has 20 more rounds in the magazine (60 vs 40), a lower damage model (24.5-18 vs 30-20), and remains more accurate due to the lower SIPS value, lower horizontal recoil, and less vertical recoil. It can also do a full reload only 0.15 seconds slower than the time it takes for ...
How to get the rpk in Battlefield 4? - Games Learning Society
2024年9月14日 · To get the RPK in Battlefield 4, you’ll need to complete a few requirements. Here are the steps: Level 10: You’ll need to reach level 10 to unlock the RPK in the Assault class. Complete Assignments: You’ll need to complete a few …
How to unlock the rpk in Battlefield 4? - Games Learning Society
2024年9月15日 · In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps to unlock the RPK in Battlefield 4, and provide some additional tips and tricks along the way. Level Requirements. The RPK is a level-50 unlock, which means you’ll need to earn a significant amount of experience points (XP) before you can get your hands on it.
RPK - Battlefield4 攻略 BF4 Wiki
RPKとはRuchnoi Pulemet Kalashnikova(カラシニコフ軽機関銃)の略。 前身であるRPDはAK47と同じ7.62mm×39弾を装着したベルト弾帯を、ドラム弾倉に入れて運用する軽機関銃であったが、