DepEd ALS-EST - Department of Education
RPL Form 4 – Description and How to Use - for LE, AE and JHS Assessment 1 - Individual Learning Agreement The Individual Learning Agreement (ILA) is a plan that will be developed by the Learning Facilitator and each Learner.
ALS e-FILES - Google Sites
Directions: Here is a checklist of competencies. Please tick ( ) the column (A, B, C, or D) that best matches your learning goals. ―As I understand it... ―What you’re saying is... ―To …
2022年6月7日 · The document is a learner's checklist of competencies for a junior high school level ALS (Alternative Learning System) student. It lists communication skills in Filipino and English that the student can already do well, can do but wants to learn more, wants to learn, or wants to learn but not now.
In this form, the learning facilitator assesses the learner’s competencies in the Six (6) Learning Strands of the ALS K to 12 Curriculum. The results serve as basis for the completion of the Individual Learning Agreement (ILA). This form may be accomplished in Filipino or in English.
ALS STO. TOMAS SOUTH - Forms - Google Sites
ALS Assessment Form 1 - Individual Learning Agreement. ALS Assessment Form 2 - Record of Module Use and Monitoring Learner's Progress. RPL Form 1 - Documentation of Life Experiences. RPL Form...
RPL 4 - learner's checklist of skills.docx - ALS RPL Form 4...
2020年10月23日 · View RPL 4 - learner's checklist of skills.docx from BSTM 104S at Jose Rizal University. ALS RPL Form 4 Name: _ Level:_ Learner's Checklist of Skills Learning Center: _ Instructional Manager: _ Here
Als RPL Form 4 - Learner's Checklist of Competencies For Basic
The document provides guidance on using the "Learner's Checklist of Competencies" form to assess a learner's competencies in communication skills (English and Filipino) and mathematical/problem-solving skills.
Learner'S Checklist of Skills: Learning Goals Remarks/Comment
This document is a learner's checklist that assesses various skills across 5 categories: 1) Communication skills 2) Problem solving and critical thinking 3) Sustainable use of resources and productivity 4) Development of self and sense of community 5) Expanding one's world vision For each skill, the learner or instructional manager can indicate ...
RPL-Form-4-JHS-Learner s-Checklist-of-Competencies.pdf
2021年8月19日 · ALS RPL Form 4 Page 2 of 67 10/2020 Give/ react and share one’s reaction/ personal opinio n to an event/ issue/ text heard and ideas listened to Restate sentences/portions of a text heard in one’s own words Make a stand on statements/ issues/ text listened to/ heard Determine the stand of the speaker on a given issue presented in the text listened to/ explicit in statements made Accept or ...
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