RS-MS1A | Products - Icom Inc.
The RS-MS1A (for Android™ devices) lets your D-STAR transceiver wirelessly connect to a D-STAR transceiver and remotely set the DR functions, link with a map app and send/receive messages in the DV mode. In addition, pictures on an Android™ device can be transmitted in the DV Fast Data mode or DV mode.
RS-MS1A | Products - Icom America
The RS-MS1A (for Android™ devices) lets your D-STAR transceiver wirelessly connect to a D-STAR transceiver and remotely set the DR functions, link with a map app and send/receive messages in the DV mode. In addition, pictures on an Android™ device can be transmitted in the DV Fast Data mode or DV mode.
RS-MS1A - Apps on Google Play
2024年12月9日 · The RS-MS1A is an application that allows your Android device to remotely use some of the D-STAR and DV mode functions of some D-STAR transceivers. You can use some of the transceiver’s DR...
RS-MS1A RS-MS1I | 製品情報 | アイコム - アイコム株式会社
RS-MS1IはIC-705、ID-52、ID-4100/Dでのみご使用いただけます。 各製品とRS-MS1A / RS-MS1Iの機能対応については、以下よりご確認ください。 ※Bluetooth®通信を他の機器で使用している場合に必要。 ※1 iOS®端末との接続前に、本体のファームウェアを最新の状態にして下さい。 ※2 ファーストデータ通信時、Bluetooth®ヘッドセットはミュートされます。 ※3 RS-MS1Iの最新版をご使用ください。 動作確認機種一覧表については、以下のPDFファイルを …
RS-MS1A | 2024/11/22 - Icom Inc.
Icom is an outstanding, comprehensive radio manufacturer that produces radio communication equipment of all genres, from amateur radios to terrestrial, marine and avionics radios, as well as LTE, WLAN and satellite radios.
ICOM RS-MS1A 手机版安卓软件_北京世纪金宇通讯设备有限公司
使用rs-ms1a,您可以使用扩展的d-star功能来交换图像或消息,或在地图应用程序上显示接收到的d-prs站数据。 适用机型 id-51 id-31 ic-7100 id-5100 id-4100 ic-9700 ic-705
RSMS1A Instructions – Icom America
To check for compatible phones and radios, click the following Google Play Store link: RS-MS1A App. The Android device must be USB host mode compatible. For iOS TM applications, click for instructions. Required items for connection between RS-MS1A and a radio:
业余数字化(D-STAR)电台与RS-MS1A APP的应用-对讲机写频软 …
2021年5月31日 · 在手机Google应用商店搜索下载RS-MS1A APP应用软件,安装到移动终端,按照提示很容易实现手机和电台之间的数据,图像互传等有趣应用。 对于具有蓝牙选件UT-133安装的ID-4100E,ID-5100E,开启蓝牙功能,实现蓝牙无线传输;对于没有蓝牙功能的手台提供了数据 …
Softwares RS-MS1A | ICOM France english
HF/50/144/430MHz Ham mobile transceiver, 5W (using battery) / 10W (using power supply), QRP/SDR, 4.3" touch screen color display, D-STAR all mode (DV/ SSB/ CW/ RTTY, AM/ FM), Bluetooth, WLAN and GNSS receiver integrated, microSD card slot, USB port and BNC antenna connector with (GPS log and repeater search function).
- [PDF]
RS-MS1A - Manuals+
RS-MS1A D This application is designed for Android™ devices. D With the RS-MS1A, you can use the extended D-STAR functions to exchange images or messages, or display received D-PRS station data on a map application. The following system is required to use the RS-MS1A. (As of October 2020) • Android version 5.0 or later