rs3m2020测评 - ★ 魔方拆解与新品评测 (Cube Reviews) - 魔方吧· …
2023年1月20日 · rs3m2020是一款性价比很高的三阶,在魔友眼中口碑很高。rs3m2020也算是rs系列最有名的魔方之一了,已经过去3年,依旧能打,甚至有的魔友说比新出的super rs3m还要好用。事实真的如此吗?今天就跟着我的文章一起来看看吧。 二.包装及配件
MoYu RS3 M 2020 Magnetic 3x3 Speed Cube – TheCubicle
The MoYu RS3 M 2020 is an economy magnetic 3x3 speedcube famous for its extremely high value and accessible price. This cube features MoYu's classic dual adjustment system, factory installed magnets, and a vivid color scheme. This cube can be upgraded for even better performance with the following accessories: RS3 M.
MoYu Super RS3 M 3x3 (Magnetic)
Now you can get a replica of his main magnetic cube, the MoYu RS3 M 2020 3x3 Magnetic, and experience one of the best magnetic cubes for speedcubing, all while supporting the JPerm YouTube Channel! Set up to...
- 评论数: 129
What is your 3x3 main? Will you recommend it to beginners?
2022年3月28日 · The only one of these I recommend to beginners is the RS3M 2020/2021. It's cheap, super easy to set up and has all the performance any beginner or even an expert would need. Ideally though, if you're getting serious about speedcubing you should try different puzzles at different price points.
A Deep Dive into the MoYu RS3 M 2020 – SpeedCubeShop
2024年3月17日 · Now you can get a replica of his main magnetic cube, the MoYu RS3 M 2020 3x3 Magnetic, and experience one of the best magnetic cubes for speedcubing, all while supporting the JPerm YouTube Channel! Set up to...
what is your main cube : r/Cubers - Reddit
My RS3M survived getting sit on (quite some force) with just a crack in one piece that pretty much doesn't affect performance. Exactly. I and my brother have the RS3M 2020 as a main. He once forgot it at school and then found it smashed to peaces in front of the school.
Bukefuno MoYu Super RS3M 2022 3x3 Magnetic Cube Speed …
The MoYu Super RS3M 2022 is an economy magnetic 3x3 speed cube by famous cube brand MoYu. This new version features a Dragon Scales Anti-sticky Holes New Stickerless Shade,Dual Anti-pop Feet,Magnetic Positioning Mechanism,It is becoming one of the most popular cubes on the market and replacing the more expensive mainstream speed cubes.
- 评论数: 55
Your New Main. | RS3M V5 Setup - YouTube
I don't think I've enjoyed a cube so much in such a long time.I'm also experimenting with some new styles of video.Get Products Used in this Video:https://ww...
The New RS3M v5 is a retool of the Super RS3M v1, and that's a ... - Reddit
2023年10月6日 · Most of all I'm just hoping this cube can be my new main. I'm going back and forward between the Guhong Pro, V9 Ballcore and V2 Standard and they all have some flaws that makes me hesitant to use it as my main. I think the Tornado v3 system could work if they added more than 5 settings, but true, it's not for everyone.
MoYu RS3 M V5 3x3 (Magnetic, Ball-Core, UV Coated) + Robot Box
Now you can get a replica of his main magnetic cube, the MoYu RS3 M 2020 3x3 Magnetic, and experience one of the best magnetic cubes for speedcubing, all while supporting the JPerm YouTube Channel! Set up to...
- 评论数: 58
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