CuberShop Moyu WRM V9 Magnetic 3x3 Speed Cube, Stickerless, …
This Super RS3M Magnetic Version has 48 pieces of magnets firmly installed in the cube in order to provide a better turning experience and make the cube much more stable and more controllable. COOL!!! SMOOTH and FAST💨- The WRM V9 Series comes with an anti-sticky design.
- 评论数: 79
魔域威龙WRM V9磁力版评测:高性能、低价格、改装调试空间
V9磁力版尺寸为55mm,重量为68g,属于小尺寸的三阶,同时也将重量控制在了较轻的范围内,对于一款魔域魔方来说实属难得。 魔方表面为雾面材质,不易产生划痕但容易脱手,不喜欢这一点的魔友需要自行在后期进行打磨抛光处理。
CuberShop Moyu WRM V9 Ball Core (UV Coated) Stickerless …
New WRM-V9 Flagship!🏆- Introducing the Moyu WRM V9 - the latest Moyu Flagship 3x3 in 2023. With exceptional performance and a unique dual adjustment system, this cube delivers fast and smooth turning, superior corner cutting, and unparalleled stability.
【图片】【测评】极致性价比!同价位近乎无敌的存在——RS3MV5 …
RS3MV5一共有4个版本,分为磁力版、双调版、磁浮版以及顶配球轴魔衣版,那么它究竟表现如何呢? 接下来我们就以魔衣版来展开详细讨论。 V5魔衣版的包装是一个蓝色的长方形盒子,上面印有魔方的结构图、产品特点等信息,打开盒子可见魔方本体被放在魔方机器人里面,其他配件有:三阶复原教程、调试说明、小螺丝刀、调试工具、备用调弹组件。 魔方尺寸为55.6mm,顶配版表面工艺为魔衣面,具有温润如玉的握持感和不俗的颜值以及抗划痕能力,但缺点是容易沾染 …
Cuberspeed MoYu WeiLong WRM V9 UV Coated Magnetic Speed …
The MoYu WeiLong WRM V9 is MoYu's newest flagship 3x3. This version features Maglev technology, corner to core magnetism using a ball core, and a beautiful UV coated finish.
两分钟提升魔方性能!魔域文化系列三阶魔方调试方法(弹力、轴 …
文章中提到的三款 魔域三阶魔方 都搭配了旗舰魔方上才会出现的弹力轴距双调系统。 弹力轴距分离调试以满足对魔方多种手感的需求。 所以这里重点就是讲怎么用这个弹力轴距双调系统。 打开中心盖(如第一张上图),用螺丝刀拧螺丝,这个会吧? 注意,只能逆时针。 图中所示是最小弹力位置。 每逆时针旋转一格(会有小的啪嗒声),弹力变大一档。 阻力就相应变大些。 每个周期结束,会有一个大的啪嗒声。 这时候说明,弹力又恢复到了最小的状态(这个时候转动阻力 …
Rs3m v5 vs Wr m v9 : r/Cubers - Reddit
I have both of them, and I think v9 is better. It has auto alignment and I get 1 second faster times with it. My average is sub 21 seconds with v5 and sub 20 with v9.
风三、SRS3M、华梦YS3M、威龙V9 我到底该怎么选?
MoYu Weilong V9 vs YS3M vs RS3M Super MEGA Comparison! - YouTube
2023年4月29日 · In this video I talk about 3 of the latest MoYu cube ranges:- RS3M 2022 Super- HuaMeng YS3M- Weilong V9I discuss many aspects of the cubes in order to answer...
A newbie's review of rs3m v5, wrm v9, gan 356m, and gan 14
rs3m v5 standard - For $9, this is a great deal. It works fine, but does feel kind of toy-like in the hands. The whole cube has a very airy, cheap plastic feel while turning. After a couple weeks, it started slowing down and I had do do a bunch of tuning to get it feeling decent again, but it …
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