How to communicate with RS485 via Windows? - Forum for …
2008年7月21日 · RS485 is basically a single ended to differential line driver and is commonly used with RS232. So what I told is one of the possibilities. Strictly speaking I suppose any …
Compatibility between RS232 and RS485 | Forum for Electronics
2017年9月23日 · It sounds unlikely that the RS485 scale interface works with a RS232-to-USB cable, unless the scale supports both interface standards in parallel on different pins or has a …
如何理解串口,UART, RS232, RS485? - 知乎
如题,串口, UART, RS232, RS485,这些概念都有什么区别跟联系?求硬件大神或通讯大神赐教!还有,有没有…
Confusion with RS485 data Tx+, Tx-, Rx+, Rx-, A, B, Y, Z
2008年5月16日 · The RS485 is a bidirectional communication so there is no meaning to use Tx+ or Tx- alone & the best notation is A, B. But unfortunately here i have to use different …
RS485 Termination Resistor - Forum for Electronics
2002年2月15日 · rs485 termination Hello, I have a half duplex RS485 communication between 1 slave and master but was wondering what is the effect of the termination resistor? My length of …
What are the differences between I2C and RS485 - Forum for …
2010年3月30日 · Re: I2C vs RS485 Hi, I2C (IIC) stands for Inter-Integrated Circuit, so itss designed for data exchange between two integrated circuits (e.g. microcontroller <--> eeprom) …
Compatibilities between RS-485 and RS-422 - Forum for Electronics
2002年3月22日 · RS485 is two way: multiple transceivers on the bus. Both busses use two-wire differential signals with identical voltage levels. From a hardware point of view it is possible to …
RS485 Source Code for PIC - Forum for Electronics
2013年1月28日 · pic rs485 Hi all. I need RS 485 rx and tx comminication commands for Pic Basic Pro. (use pic 16f84) Thanks. R.Can RAKAN Teknik Danýþman +90.555.311.55.71
What happens when two RS485 chips start transmission?
2001年7月16日 · One method to minimise this will be to use a serial to paralel shift register on each node and transmit from the receiving node a serial pattern that will enable the RS485 …
Creating a TCP/IP network over RS-485 bus - Forum for Electronics
2004年7月31日 · The amplifications are done using opamps). Correct me if I'm wrong, RS232 protocol is pretty much the same as RS485. Basically, I would take a look at the TCIP lean …