The Regular Slotted Case (RSC) - Fefco
The Regular Slotted Case (RSC) Most of them are produced with an in-line flexographic printer / slotter folder gluer which in one operation: prints; cuts; folds; and glues the corrugated board into its final shape; The packaging is the paletised and ready to be shipped falt to the customer. Different types of die-cutting technics
Code developed by FEFCO and adopted by ICCA | Fefco
FEFCO code is the internationally applied system for corrugated packaging design. It contains the design of the most common box types with a code number assigned to each design, making it an easy tool for the paper packaging industry.
Understanding the Regular Slotted Container (RSC) And Variants
2023年4月6日 · Every variant of these slotted carton boxes is assigned an International Fibreboard Case Code developed by Féderation Européenne des Fabricants du Carton Ondulé (FEFCO) – a french abbreviation, which today is called The European Federation of Corrugated Board Manufacturers, where series “02” defines slotted boxes.
工业包装之——瓦楞纸箱(下) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
瓦楞纸箱的箱型结构,在国际上普遍采用由欧洲瓦楞纸箱制造商联合会 (FEFCO)和瑞士纸板协会 (ASSCO)联合制定的 国际纸箱箱型标准。 这一标准经国际瓦楞纸板协会批准在国际间通用。 按照国际纸箱箱型标准,纸箱结构可分为基础型和组合型两大类。 1、基础型常用箱型: (1)开槽型纸箱—— RSC型 (02型) 开槽型纸箱是运输包装中非常基本的一种箱型,也是目前使用较广泛的一种纸箱,由一片或几片经过加工的瓦楞纸板通过钉合或粘合的方法结合而成的纸箱,它的底 …
The RSC can be used for most products and is the most common box style. There are a number of derivatives of the RSC that are in common use in the industry. 0200 Half Slotted Container (HSC). A RSC without the top flaps. 0202 Overlap Slotted Container (OSC). A RSC with the top and/or bottom outer flaps partially overlapping.
7 Regular Slotted Container Box Variants | Packsize
2015年9月24日 · Series 02 is known as Slotted Boxes, which is distinguished by being made from one piece of corrugated cardboard and is folded at a joint on the side panels. Of these, 0201, or the RSC, is the most common. The other six variants we’ll talk about today come from FEFCO series 02. What it is: The most commonly used corrugated box.
Why The RSC Is The Top Corrugated Cardboard Box | Packsize
2015年8月5日 · FEFCO officially lists around 150 different styles of corrugated cardboard box, but as far as I could tell, only one is used in stock photography—the Regular Slotted Container, or RSC. Come to think of it, the RSC is probably the the first box you think of when you think of a corrugated cardboard
FEFCO 0201 Slotted Type Regular Slotted Container (RSC) - Diamond Box
FEFCO 0201 Slotted Type Regular Slotted Container (RSC) FEFCO 0201 Regular Slotted Containers are the most common box style, with flaps of equal length that meet in the center when closed, providing efficient and cost-effective packaging for a wide range of products.
0201 Regular Slotted Container (RSC) - engview.com
FEFCO Code Designs; 0200 Slotted Containers; 0201 Regular Slotted Container (RSC) 0201 Regular Slotted Container (RSC) The 0201 standard. Modifications. 0201_1 RSC with Cell Partition; 0201a Regular Slotted Container (RSC) 0201b Regular Container (RC) Parameters. Parameter-Dimension Dependences Quick Reference; Main Parameters; Dividers Parameters
2015年9月3日 · fefco标准,你们懂的,不多说,直接上干货,fefco标准盒型一览表及箱码,包装迷