Reconhecimento de Saberes e Competências (RSC)
Portaria Setec/MEC nº 50/2014 e a Resolução nº 168/2014 – do IFPB; 2013. Portaria MEC nº 491/2013 - Cria o Conselho Permanente para o RSC; Portaria MEC nº 844/2013 - Designa representantes ao Conselho Permanente para o RSC; Portaria MEC nº 1.094/2013 - Aprova o Regulamento do Conselho Permanente para o RSC - pagina 1 / pagina 2; Manual
ORIENTAÇÕES AO AVALIADOR DE RSC 1) COMO PROCEDER À AVALIAÇÃO: a) A avaliação deverá ser realizada obedecendo estritamente aos critérios e à pontuação definidas no Regulamento Interno da Instituição Federal de Ensino (IFE) de origem do professor avaliado.
Conselho Permanente para Reconhecimento de Saberes e …
2020年8月5日 · Resolução Nº 8, de 13 de julho de 2022 – Altera a Resolução CPRSC nº 3 de 8 de junho de 2021, que estabelece os pressupostos, as diretrizes e os procedimentos para a concessão de Reconhecimento de Saberes e Competências (RSC) aos docentes da Carreira de Magistério do Ensino Básico, Técnico e Tecnológico, por meio de processo ...
RSC Mechanochemistry journal - The Royal Society of Chemistry
RSC Mechanochemistry focuses on the publication of innovative research that advances the fundamental understanding and application of mechanical force for driving and controlling chemical reactions and materials transformations in the gas, liquid, and solid states.
RSC Medicinal Chemistry journal
RSC Medicinal Chemistry publishes significant research in medicinal chemistry and related drug discovery science. Research articles published in this journal must show a breakthrough or significant advance on previously published work, or bring new thinking or results that will have a strong impact in their field.
Zero-discharge, self-sustained 3D-printed microbial ... - RSC …
4 天之前 · Microbial fuel cell (MFC) and microbial electrolysis cell (MEC) technologies have been used recently in bench-scale bioenergy (electricity) generation, biohydrogen (H2) production, biosensing, and wastewater treatment. There are still a lot of obstacles to overcome in terms of commercialization and industrial settl Chemistry at the Forefront of the …
Retrosplenial inputs drive visual representations in the medial ...
2024年7月23日 · We find that a large fraction of neurons exhibit robust responses to visual input. Visually responsive cells are located primarily in layer 3 of the dorsal MEC and can be separated into subgroups based on functional and molecular properties. Furthermore, optogenetic suppression of RSC afferents within the MEC strongly reduces visual responses.
Mechanochemically mediated electrosynthesis: unveiling ... - RSC …
2025年3月15日 · We present the design and optimization of the MEC, considering factors like electrode material, size, solvent volume, interelectrode gap, and milling motion. The developed MEC demonstrates its effectiveness in electrochemically reducing aromatic bromides and performing electrochemical oxidative coupling for sulfonamide synthesis with minimal ...
Biomimetic Ion Channels with Subnanometer Sizes for ... - RSC …
5 天之前 · The remarkable ion selectivity of biological systems has inspired the development of artificial ion channels with Ångström-scale precision, expanding their potential applications in ion separation, energy conversion, and water purification. This mini-review systematically examines fundamental ion-sieving mec Recent Review Articles 2025 Nanoscale HOT Article Collection
Entorhinal-retrosplenial circuits for allocentric-egocentric ...
2020年11月3日 · Here we investigate the relationship between neurons in the rat's retrosplenial cortex (RSC) and entorhinal cortex (MEC) that increase firing near boundaries of space. Border cells in RSC specifically encode walls, but not objects, and are sensitive to the animal's direction to nearby borders.