RSC SMG - Battlefield Wiki
The RSC SMG is a weapon introduced in the Battlefield 1: Apocalypse expansion for the Assault kit. The RSC SMG is unique in many regards. It boasts high damage per shot, with a 3-shot kill potential up to a range of 20m, a 4-shot up to 30m, and the ability to two-tap opponents in close range with a headshot.
Chauchat-Ribeyrolles 1918 submachine gun - Wikipedia
The Chauchat-Ribeyrolles 1918 submachine gun is a French prototype automatic weapon. In 1917, the French Army adopted the Mle. 1917 semi-automatic rifle made by Ribeyrolles, Sutter and Chauchat (RSC), who already developed the "Chauchat" Mle. 1915 LMG.
求大佬介绍下各兵种好用的枪 - 百度贴吧
* rsc smg:这是一把近距离武器,具有较高的射速和机动性。 3. 支援兵:*绍沙(轻量化):这把枪的稳定性较高,可以在远距离进行精确射击。
RSC SMG (Codex Entry) - Battlefield Wiki
The RSC SMG is a Codex Entry featured in Battlefield 1, introduced in the Apocalypse expansion. It is unlocked upon obtaining ten kills with the RSC SMG. In 1918, Ribeyrolles, Sutter and Chauchat, the trio behind several French firearms, such as the Chauchat and RSC 1917, presented a compact...
RSC SMG - Battlefield1 攻略 BF1 Wiki
RSC M1917をベースにしたサブマシンガンで、戦車兵が近距離戦闘で用いることを念頭に設計された。 Apocalypse で実装されたSMG。 近距離 (20m以内)では3発だけでキルが取れるほど高威力。 しかし反動が強く装弾数が8 (9)と少なくおまけにリロードも長いというとても扱いづらい代物である。 高威力なので咄嗟の遭遇戦では真価を発揮する (4発キル換算で670rpmほど)のだが、何分継戦能力がない為単独で前線を構築したり、裏取りをするのにもあまり向いていない …
【战地一】突击兵枪械 x 老照片~冲锋枪篇 - 知乎
smg 08/18冲锋枪: 它打的是九毫米帕弹哈 Schwarzlose 冲锋枪,也被称为SMG 08/18和马克沁冲锋枪(Maxim SMG) ,是基于 MG 08/18( MG 08/15的升级风冷版本)的实验性德国冲锋枪的非官方名称。
Is the RSC SMG any good? : r/battlefield_one - Reddit
It can be very effective over a long distance for an SMG, while packing high DPS unlike the Ribbey. Definitely not the worst assault gun, it has its uses and the versatility alone is enough to justify the small mag size.
战地一,各个兵种你们认为最好用的枪械前三名? - 知乎
rsc:两枪一个,有什么好说的? 射速在可接受范围,有点吃技术和手感,用熟了非常好用。 支援:14/17,绍沙(带镜子的),bar
A detailed and comprehensive post about why the RSC SMG is ... - Reddit
2020年12月2日 · The reason people have thousands of kills with, hellriegels, smg 08s, fedorovs, is because they are relatively low-skill guns. The rsc smg is one of those skill Cannons. Let's talk stats real quick: I used this website to figure out the DPS of both guns, now the RSC SMG has, a DPS of 223, and the hellriegel has a dps of 221. Now 2 DPS, really ...
RSC SMG : r/battlefield_one - Reddit
2022年8月16日 · All SMGs are good with practice. Hellriegel is overall best in my opinion. But no bayonet and it can overheat. I prefer the MP-18 in every situation. It never dissapoints. It doesn't overheat, decent magazine and accuracy even with the trench variant. Bayonet which the RSC, Hellriegel, and SMG 08 don't have. Automatico in my opinion is pretty ...