rsm function - RDocumentation
Fit a linear model with a response-surface component, and produce appropriate analyses and summaries. rsm (formula, data, ...) summary(object, adjust = rev(p.adjust.methods), ...) print(x, ...) xs (object, ...) The order of the model: 1 for first-order, 1.5 for first-order plus interactions, or 2 for a model that contains square terms.
2024年11月18日 · 在统计分析和实验设计领域,响应面法(Response Surface Methodology, RSM)是一种重要的技术,旨在优化和建模多个变量之间的关系。 R语言技术的蓬勃发展为这一领域提供了丰富的工具,其中 rsm 包便是一个专门用于响应面方法分析的重要包。 在这篇文章中,我们将探索 rsm 包的基本用法,并通过代码示例演示其功能。 什么是响应面法? 响应面法是一种统计技术,主要用于优化实验过程,尤其是当实验涉及多个因素时。 其核心思想是构建一 …
Response Surface Designs and their Analysis with R
A basic R tutorial for carrying out the analysis of results of response surface designs. It also discusses how to generate Box-Behnken and Central Composite designs.
R数据分析:多项式回归与响应面分析的理解与实操 - 简书
2023年6月1日 · response surface analysis (RSA) is an approach that allows examining the extent to which combinations of two predictive variables relate to one outcome variable. The method is particularly interesting in cases where (in)congruence between the two predictive variables is a central consideration of the study.
响应面优化秘籍:R语言rsm包深度应用与案例解析(20年专家经 …
2024年12月27日 · 响应面方法(Response Surface Methodology,RSM)是一种用于优化过程和产品性能的统计技术,广泛应用于工程、科学研究和质量控制等领域。 本文首先介绍了响应面方法的基础理论,并详细阐述了如何使用R语言和专门的rsm包来进行实验设计、模型构建和分析。 随后,通过实战技巧部分,本文深入探讨了设计高效实验方案、建立和诊断响应面模型的策略,以及如何通过响应面分析实现优化目标。 文章进一步通过复杂响应面模型的分析和高级统计技术 …
RSM tutorial - Bookdown
2023年1月18日 · Another dataset example is a paper-helicopter experiment in which different variables such as wing area (A), wing shape (R), body width (W), and body length (L) influence how long a paper helicopter can fly. Each observation (row) represents the results of 10 replicated flights at each experimental condition.
Provides functions to generate response-surface designs, fit first- and second-order response-surface models, make surface plots, obtain the path of steepest ascent, and do canonical analysis.
rsm package - RDocumentation
Provides functions to generate response-surface designs, fit first- and second-order response-surface models, make surface plots, obtain the path of steepest ascent, and do canonical analysis.
The Ultimate Guide to the rsm Package in R
The rsm package, short for Response Surface Methods, is a package for the design and analysis of experiments for optimizing response surfaces and exploring fitted surfaces.
GitHub - rvlenth/rsm: R package for response-surface methodology
The rsm function is a special extension of lm that facilitates fitting and evaluating first- and second-order models. Special functions FO(), SO(), PQ(), and TWI() are used to generate first …