CATLine CAT 6 RT 6类以太网电缆 机器人应用 - sab-cable.cn
CAT 6 Cable 4x2x26AWG, UL AWM Style 20549, oil resistant
Cable track compatible, robot compatible CAT 6 Ethernet cable for use under rough, industrial conditions, e.g. high temperatures, contamination with oils and greases, aggressive chemicals or humidity. The CAT 6 cable is particularly suitable for use in automation.
RT Hybrid Ethernet CAT6 robotic cable
RT Hybrid Ethernet CAT 6 cables. Bus hybrid cables from SAB combine power supply and data transmission in one cable. These cables are used, for example, in the cable-hose assembly of the robots and, due to their construction, they save an enormous space and …
RT Hybrid Ethernet cable CAT 6
Bus hybrid cables from SAB combine power supply and data transmission in one cable. These cables are used, for example, in the cable-hose assembly of the robots and, due to their construction, they save an enormous space and minimize the wiring costs.
CATLine CAT 6A RT - SAB Cable
The robot-suitable CAT 6A Industrial Ethernet cable with UL/CSA approval is highly flexible and is mainly used in robots. The cable is oil-resistant and can withstand temperatures of up to +70°C (according to VDE).
CATline CAT 6 RT: Torsional Ethernet cable - sabcable.com
CATLine 6 RT Torsion is a gigabit industrial Ethernet cable that holds up under continuous torsion. Targeted applications include industrial robotic systems requiring CAT6 peformance—from Cartesian to SCARA to articulated arm.
RT Hybrid Ethernet CAT 6 cables - sabcable.com
Bus hybrid cables from SAB combine power supply and data transmission in one cable. These cables are used, for example, in the cable-hose assembly of the robots and, due to their construction, they save an enormous space and minimize the wiring costs.
Depending on the application, we are able to offer today CAT 5 and CAT 6 cable solutions for flexible and continuous flexible use, for chemical and ther-mal stress as well as special cable constructions for reeling purpose and robot operation.
55-782RT-RT-6 Electrical Cable/Wire by CALRAD - Radwell …
55-782RT-RT-6 Cable and Wire from CALRAD In Stock, Order Now! Same Day Shipping, 2-Year Warranty - R/A AC/IEC COMPUTER CABLE B
RT GE 696 Hybrid CAT 6 torsion cable 26/4pr - RS Components
SAB 6949001 RT GE 696 Hybrid CAT 6 torsion cable 26/4pr + 18/4c PUR shielded Mfr. Part #: 6949001 / RS Stock #: 71072139