Rhizomatous Tall Fescue (RTF)
With RTF Sod you instantly get a healthy, mature lawn, grown by the top turfgrass producers in the world. RTF® is the only Tall Fescue with True Rhizomes. Rhizomes help the RTF quickly …
Turf Saver® RTF® Tall Fescue - Barenbrug
Welcome to a new era of turf management with Turf Saver RTF—the ultimate solution for lush, resilient, and easy-to-maintain grass. Whether you’re a golf course superintendent, a sports …
What is RTF? - Barenbrug
Rhizomatous Tall Fescue (RTF) is a groundbreaking type of tall fescue grass that has transformed the turf industry. Developed by Barenbrug’s turf scientists over two decades ago, …
Turf Saver ® RTF ® is the most advanced and unique tall fescue blend available, providing the benefits of rhizomes not found in any other varieties. While other spreading varieties describe …
RTF Turf - Inturf
RTF turf is not just any tall fescue—it’s the only variety with true rhizomes. These underground stems enable RTF to rapidly repair damaged areas and fill bare spots with new shoots of …
RTF Fescue - Todd Valley Farms
What is RTF® Fescue? RTF [ rhizomatous tall fescue] is an advanced turf-type tall fescue that produces rhizomes. Rhizomes are small underground lateral shoots that allow a plant to …
RTF Drought Resistant Turf (Water Saver) - Park Avenue Turf, Inc.
RTF Features. Rhizomatous Tall Fescue (RTF©) is an advanced generation of turf-type tall fescue which produces rhizomes. A rhizome is an underground stem that penetrates laterally …
What Are The Advantages Of RTF Turf Over Other Turf Types?
2024年7月16日 · RTF is the only type of turf to produce rhizomes, making it a reliable, durable, and eco-friendly turf option for many locations. Order RTF Turf. If you’re looking for a low …
Rhizomatous Tall Fescue (RTF)
Dense turf without open areas prevents weed growth; Excellent Disease Resistance. Endophyte enhanced for improved insect, disease and drought tolerance; Environmentally friendly, …
RTF Turf | Award Winning Supplier - George Davies Turf
RTF Turf offers tolerance to drought and waterlogging through its deep rooting capabilities. It extends into the sub soil if the ground conditions allow (i.e no hardcore or concrete). It …