Bad Experience with RTG Parts / robertrtg.com - HKPRO Forums
2013年1月13日 · I must start by saying that over the past several years I placed about half a dozen orders through robertrtg.com and was generally satisfied with my experience however my recent experience was very different. I will let you decide if RTG parts acted in good faith and if you want to shop from...
RTG Parts - HKPRO Forums
2017年8月8日 · HKPRO is a forum community dedicated to Heckler and Koch enthusiasts. Come join the discussion about HK pistols and rifles, optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, and more!
B&T parts in stock at RTG Parts | HKPRO Forums
2014年7月1日 · UPDATE: Swiss made B&T parts are in stock and shipping daily. We have live inventory on all B&T parts. If you can add a part to your shopping cart then it...
RTG for Uzi Kits, Receiver Flats, Spare Parts, Mags and...
2014年5月6日 · For those Pro members who have diverse collections try our RTG parts for the best price, quality and selection of Uzi parts and accessories: Just a few...
HK21 Buffer Questions | HKPRO Forums
2024年12月9日 · RTG has the 21E buffer (and hardware) available in the tripod stock. HK21E HK23E Back Plate Assembly Complete, Heckler and Koch Part Number 222648, HKK-222648, RTG Parts Pick up a rubber buttpad while you are there. HK21 Rubber Buttpad New, HK G3, HK91, PTR91, C308, HK33, BIN-56, RTG Parts
New RTG G3 and CETME C Receiver Flats - In stock now!
2015年11月9日 · CETME C RECEIVER FLAT $69.95 (Finally a flat build just for the CETME C with a flat sided mag well) CETME C Receiver Flat, 80% no FFL, CET-3921, RTG Parts CETME C RECEIVER FLAT $69.95 (Finally a flat build just for the CETME C with a flat sided mag well)
Gross misrepresentation of our parts - HKPRO Forums
2017年8月8日 · And to Adam's minions who bought countless used and POF parts for their supposed 'top of the line all German spec guns' I will be happy to publish all of your records too. We archive everything here at RTG parts and I'm done with your high-school horse poop.
MP5 922r/US sears, triggers, hammers, and related parts
2020年2月20日 · RTG Parts has a couple of US-made trigger components, but I'm not sure what all is compatible with the ambi pack; only the sear is mentioned as being compatible for sure.
RTG scam Alert - HKPRO Forums
2022年10月11日 · Folks, Today I got an odd email from RTG parts. Short and cryptic, said some BS about a failed payment attempt and I needed to contact them. I have no...
HK 416 sight sets at RTG parts | HKPRO Forums
2010年12月13日 · Has anyone seen the 416 sight sets RTG has listed at $129 for the front and rear sights together? They are described as German made, but not specifically HK. I was wondering if they might be the sets fitted to the 22 clones.