Shkabaj - TV Shqip - Shqip TV - Albanian TV live - RTK Live - Arta ...
Watch Albanian TV live from your computer or mobile device with over 20 channels to choose from including RTK (Radio Televizioni i Kosoves), TV Klan, Arta (KTV), Rrrokum, News24, Super Sonic(music channel), FAN TV
Radio Television of Kosovo - Wikipedia
RTK operates two radio services, offering a diverse range of news, music, and entertainment programs. Additionally, it runs four 24-hour television channels, broadcasting a variety of content including news, sports, culture, movies, and documentaries.
RTK 1 Live (Kosovo) | Live TV
RTK 1 is Kosovo's first public television channel with general programming. As part of the public broadcaster Radio Television Kosovo (RTK), RTK 1 produces and broadcasts news, sports, …
RTK/LIVE - YouTube
Radio Television of Kosovo is the public service broadcaster in Kosovo. RTK operates five TV channels and two radio stations broadcasting a diverse programming of news, entertainment and four...
RTK - GjirafaVideo
5 天之前 · Radio Televizioni i Kosovës është transmetuesi publik në Kosovë. RTK posedon dy shërbime të radiove ku transmetohen lajme të lloj-llojshme dhe argëtuese, poashtu edhe katër shërbime televizive 24 orëshe ku transmetohet rrjeti tokësor dhe satelitor.
電視 - 香港電台網站
《鏗鏘集》是一個團隊,無論接受過批評或喝采,我們都不敢掉以輕心,每個星期,無論晴天雨天,緊守崗位,延續求真的精神。 《議事論事》每週報導立法會內的事務,並以民生議題作為重點,扼要報導議會審議各項法案及政策的精華,以便市民通過節目更了解和掌握政府的施政理念。 新一季《議事論事》節目希望讓觀眾對立法會、議員和立法過程有更深入的理解和關注,提高公眾對社會民生議題的參與度和關注度,促進議會與民間的溝通交流,增強公眾對政府的信任。 • 精 …
RTK - YouTube
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Уживо - РТК
Радио телевизија Крагујевац
RTK 2 - Balkan Radio Stanice Uživo
2024年9月6日 · RTK 2 je drugi televizijski program Radio-televizija Kosova, javnog medijskog servisa Kosova i Metohije. RTK 2 emituje program na srpskom jeziku. UNMIK/OEBS pozivaju Uniju Evropskih Transmitera (EBU) da osnuje i upravlja jednim javnim emiterom na Kosovu a na osnovu Memoranduma o Razumevanju (MOU) OEBS-a. 19.