Endosomal binding kinetics of Eps15 and Hrs specifically ... - Nature
2017年12月21日 · Receptor tyrosine kinases (RTK) play an important role in the control of fundamental cellular processes, including the cell cycle, cell migration, cell metabolism and...
In BRET 1, the maximal emission of Rluc is observed at 480 nm, a wavelength that is appropriate for excitation of a yellow fluorescent protein (enhanced YFP: EYFP), which subsequently reemits light at 530 nm. Several other variants of the YFP with identical excitatory properties are YFP topaz, YFP citrine, YFP venus and YPet (Bacart et al, 2008).
学懂通路第一期:生长因子与受体酪氨酸激酶 (RTKs) - 知乎
受体酪氨酸激酶 (RTKs)是最大的一类酶联受体,它既是 生长因子 的受体,也是能够催化下游靶蛋白磷酸化的酶。 正常情况下,生长因子-RTKs介导的细胞信号通路参与正常细胞的生理功能;但是,肿瘤发生时能够促进肿瘤的发生发展。 RTKs目前报道共有58种,可分为20个家族。 而能够激活RTKs的生长因子则超过100种。 (注:在这里我们将所有能够激活RTKs的统称为“生长因子”)。 下表是RTKs的分类: 二、结构与功能. 所以的RTKs均有三个部分组成:含有配体(生 …
Kinase-mediated RAS signaling via membraneless cytoplasmic …
Receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK)-mediated activation of downstream effector pathways such as the RAS GTPase/MAP kinase (MAPK) signaling cascade is thought to occur exclusively from lipid membrane compartments in mammalian cells. Here, we uncover a ...
细胞信号通路生长因子与受体酪氨酸激酶 (RTKs)信号通路详解
2021年8月6日 · 受体酪氨酸激酶(RTKs)是最大的一类酶联受体,它既是生长因子的受体,也是能够催化下游靶蛋白磷酸化的酶。 正常情况下,生长因子-RTKs介导的细胞信号通路参与正常细胞的生理功能;但是,肿瘤发生时能够促进肿瘤的发生发展。 RTKs目前报道共有58种,可分为20个家族, 包括大名鼎鼎的EGFR家族、PDGFR家族、VEGFR家族等。 而目前发现的能够激活RTKs的生长因子则超过100种。 (注:在这里我们将所有能够激活RTKs的统称为“生长因 …
EGFR activation coupled to inhibition of tyrosine phosphatases …
2003年4月22日 · Here we have investigated an underlying reaction network that couples RTK activity to protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) inhibition by reactive oxygen species.
FGFR3 unliganded dimer stabilization by the juxtamembrane domain
2015年4月4日 · Receptor Tyrosine Kinases (RTKs) conduct biochemical signals upon dimerization in the membrane plane. While RTKs are generally known to be activated in response to ligand binding, many of these receptors are capable of forming unliganded dimers that are likely important intermediates in the signaling process.
Transactivation of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and …
2021年2月1日 · G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) are major classes of cell surface receptors extensively targeted in drug discovery programmes due to their critical roles in health and disease. GPCRs are seven transmembrane spanning receptors that bind a structurally diverse range of ligands [1].
Quantifying the strength of heterointeractions among receptor …
2020年7月17日 · Receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) are single-pass membrane proteins that control vital cell processes such as cell growth, survival, and differentiation. There is a growing body of evidence that RTKs from different subfamilies can interact and that these diverse interactions can have important biological consequences.
(A) RTK constructs, identified here as the non-interacting controls ...
Each vesicle was imaged in three distinct scans: donor, FRET, and acceptor scans. The donor scan was used to excite YFP at 488 nm and to collect YFP emission in the 500–530 nm range.