The CRL Rapid Transfer Port (RTP) features mechanical interlocks that prevent the improper operation of the transfer port which can compromise the containment and sterility of the barrier/isolator. The interlocks are incorporated into the Alpha flange and interface with the alpha port door handle to prevent:
DPTE®-XS Alpha Port - the original Rapid Transfer Port (RTP)
The original rapid transfer port (RTP) The DPTE® transfer system is recognized as being the safest method for bidirectional transfer in aseptic or toxic working areas, without breaking containment or sterility. The port can be fixed onto the cleanroom, filling line, or isolator wall.
RTP Rapid Transfer Port System Introduce Sterile Materials
The concept, using bags and the RTP double door transfer system, insures secure aseptic and/or toxic product management, while limiting the process steps to a minimum. The well-proven RTP system provides bi-directional transfer, protecting both the product and the operators.
Externally operated and automated DPTE® rapid transfer port
The DPTE-EXO is an automated and externally operated rapid transfer port and provides a secure, reliable, and automated transfer solution. Its external opening function was designed to significantly reduce the risk of contamination with gloveless rapid transfers while its connectivity offers a greater degree of traceability and data analysis.
Design of rapid transfer ports in aseptic isolators
The rapid transfer port (RTP) is a 2-component system that allows transferring materials between two separated contained areas, in a sterile way without incurring in contamination from the surrounding environment.
Over the years, CRL has created a full stable of RTP technologies that have been designed around the capabilities of the innovative Double-Door Transfer System, which allows all types of materials to be rapidly transferred into and out of cleanrooms, isolation chambers or gloveboxes without breaking containment.
DPTE® Beta Containers - Getinge
Stainless steel or polyethylene DPTE® Beta Containers allow for safe transfer into and out of a barrier system in various life science applications. The Getinge DPTE® rapid transfer system is based on the interaction of an Alpha part with a Beta part – each fitted with a door, a lock, and a sealing function.
Transport container - DPTE® Beta - Getinge - laboratory / …
Stainless steel or polyethylene DPTE® Beta Containers allow for safe transfer into and out of a barrier system in various life science applications. The Getinge DPTE® rapid transfer system is based on the interaction of an Alpha part with a Beta part – each fitted with a door, a lock, and a sealing function.
快速退火炉RTP设备的介绍 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
快速退火炉 是利用 卤素红外灯 做为热源,通过极快的升温速率,将晶圆或者材料在极短的时间内加热到300℃-1200℃,从而消除晶圆或者材料内部的一些缺陷,改善产品性能。 快速退火炉采用先进的微电脑控制系统,采用 PID闭环控制 温度,可以达到极高的控温精度和温度均匀性,并且可配置 真空腔体,也可根据用户工艺需求配置多路气体。 行业背景: 快速退火炉是现代大规模集成电路生产工艺过程中的关键设备。 随着集成电路技术飞速发展,开展快速退火炉系统的创新 …
RTP载荷h264码流的解包与封包 - CSDN博客
2025年2月27日 · H.264 Payload 格式定义了三种不同的基本的负载 (Payload)结构。 接收端可能通过 RTP Payload的第一个字节来识别它们。 这一个字节类似 NALU 头的格式,而这个头结构的 NAL 单元类型字段则指出了代表的是哪一种结构。 这个startcode用来做字节流对齐,以及分割流数据。 将SPS和PPS都作为一个NALU进行封装,每一次遇到 I 帧之前,都是重复加上SPS和PPS,这个SPS的作用就是提供了序列信息,比如解码信息,而这个PPS提供的是图像信息, …
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