Most patients want to be referred, diagnosed and treated as soon as possible. The accurate recording and reporting of referral to treatment (RTT) waiting times information is extremely important.
Referral to treatment consultant-led waiting times: rules suite ...
2022年10月27日 · The rules suite aims to set out clearly and succinctly the rules and definitions for RTT consultant-led waiting times to ensure that each patient’s waiting time clock starts and stops fairly...
Patients who DNA their first appointment on an RTT pathway may have their clock nullified (stopped and not reported) as long as the provider can demonstrate that the appointment was clearly communicated to the patient. Patients who cancel an appointment in advance are not considered a DNA and would not have clocks nullified.
Referral to treatment - NHS England
The RTT Rules Suite aims to set out clearly and succinctly the rules and definitions for referral to treatment consultant-led waiting times to ensure that each patient’s waiting time clock starts and stops fairly and consistently.
In certain cases you may start a new RTT 18-week clock. This is normally: Following a period of active monitoring (as above) when your clinician feels it is now appropriate to start treating you. If you are having a bi-lateral procedure such as two cataract operations, two hip replacements or two knee replacements (one at a time).
RTT(RT-Thread)时钟管理(保姆级) - CSDN博客
2023年8月12日 · 本文详细介绍了RT-Thread操作系统中的时钟节拍概念、配置方法,以及基于时钟节拍的定时器工作原理、分类(硬件和软件)、相关接口和实例,包括定时器的启动、停止、创建、删除和控制。 操作系统需要通过时间来规范其任务,本章主要介绍 时钟节拍 和 基于时钟节拍的定时器。 任何操作系统都需要提供一个时钟节拍,以供系统处理所有和时间有关的事件,如线程的延时、线程的时间片轮转调度以及定时器超时等。 RT-Thread 中,时钟节拍的长度可以根 …
Consultant-led treatment: right to start within 18 weeks
2012年1月31日 · The rules for ensuring patients’ referral to treatment (RTT) waiting time, for consultant-led treatment, is fair and consistent within an 18-week period. Patients have a right to start...
webrtc RTT计算及NTP时间戳 - 简书
2019年8月2日 · RTT:round-trip time(往返时延),是指从数据包发送开始,到接收端确认接收,然后发送确认给发送端总共经历的延时,注意:不包括接收端处理需要的耗时。
Referral to treatment (RTT) waiting times - patient initiated clock pauses This note sets out details of mandatory national waiting times rules and reporting guidance on patient initiated waiting time clock pauses for patients on consultant-led non-emergency referral to treatment pathways.
Advice and guidance overview for the NHS e-Referral Service (e-RS)
2024年6月18日 · The RTT clock start date is the date that the provider converts the request or receives notice of the referral. For e-RS referrals this is the earliest date that a patient converts (books) their Unique Booking Reference Number or enters the ‘Defer to Provider’ (Appointment Slot Issue) process.
RT-Thread - 【RTT】时钟管理 - 《嵌入式类》 - 极客文档
根据定时器超时函数执行时所处的上下文环境,RT-Thread的定时器可以分为HARD_TIMER模式和SOFT_TIMER模式。 定时器超时函数的要求:执行时间应该尽量短,执行时不应导致当前上下文挂起、等待。 例如在中断上下文中执行的超时函数它不应该试图去申请动态内存、释放动态内存等. (1) RT-Thread OS启动阶段,执行rtthread_startup函数,在该函数中调用了定时器初始化函数. (2)rt_system_timer_init (硬件定时器初始化) struct rt_list_node *next; /**< point to next node. …
The main RTT data collection return (unadjusted data) has three parts: • Part 1a – Completed RTT waiting times for admitted patients – i.e. RTT waiting times for patients whose RTT clock stopped during the month with an inpatient/day case admission
RT-Thread API参考手册: 时钟管理
2011年1月8日 · 时钟节拍(OS Tick)是RT-Thread 操作系统中最小的时钟单位, 系统节拍一般定义为32位无符号整数,提供给应用程序所有和时间有关的服务, 如线程的延时、线程的时间片轮转调度以及定时器超时等,从系统启动开始计数的时钟节拍数称为系统时间。 时钟节拍来源于定时器的周期性中断,一次中断表示一个OS Tick。 OS Tick的长度可以根据RT_TICK_PER_SECOND的定义来调整, 等于1/RT_TICK_PER_SECOND秒,精度越高的时钟将导致系统中定时器频繁 …
The only situation in which the RTT clock would stop, but the Pathway remain open and active is when a patient is placed on active monitoring (Watchful Wait). If 1 st definitive treatment has taken place, or the patient has declined treatment, or the clinician has
jscope rtt时间戳 - CSDN文库
为了实现这一功能,在S32K144微控制器上配置并使用RTT(Real Time Transfer)调试工具来打印本地时间戳,涉及几个重要方面: 1. RTT初始化设置. 确保已经在项目环境中正确安装了SEGGER Embedded Studio (SES) 或者其他支持RTT的IDE,并且已经下载了必要的驱动程序和支持包。 对于S32K系列设备而言,通常会利用Device Package中的组件完成这些操作。 SEGGER_RTT_Init(); 此部分代码用于初始化RTT接口以便后续能够调用其函数发送数据到PC …
RT-Thread 使用外部时钟_stm32f103 rcc->cr - CSDN博客
2022年2月25日 · 直接修改drv_clk文件中的system_clock_config ()函数. 至于board.h中的. 推荐根据自己的情况更改 [ 但其实这个改不改并不会影响到时钟配置,因为RT_Thread压根好像没有使用这几个参数,目前看来是这样的2022/1/24 ] startup_stm32f103xe.S文件. /* Call the clock system intitialization function.*/ bl SystemInit. /* bl __libc_init_array */ /* Call the application's entry point.*/ bl entry. bx lr. system_stm32f1xx.c文件.
suspensions in RTT waiting time clocks in monthly RTT returns to NHS England and NHS Improvement under any circumstances. This change is fully reflected in this refreshed guidance. The changes to the reporting requirements effective from 2015 can be summarised as follows: • there is no longer a requirement to submit admitted adjusted data to NHS
As set out in the NHS Operating Framework and NHS Constitution, patients have a right to start consultant-led treatment within a maximum of 18 weeks. This document provides further guidance on the measurement by the NHS of RTT pathways.
GitHub Pages - What is Clockor2
Clockor2 is a client-side web application for conducting root-to-tip (RTT) regression - the fastest and most widely used method to calibrate strict molecular clocks.
Statistics » Consultant-led Referral to Treatment Waiting Times …
However, it will not affect a patient’s RTT ‘clock’. The Recording and Reporting guidance document was updated on 2 February 2024 to reflect changes to the reporting requirements of community services pathways in RTT datasets. The new guidance can be found in section 7.
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