Use real-time text (RTT) with calls - Android Accessibility Help
Real-time text (RTT) lets you use text to communicate during a phone call. RTT works with TTY and doesn't require any additional accessories. Important: The information in this article might not apply to all devices. To find out if you can use RTT with your device and service plan, check with your carrier. RTT uses call minutes, just like a ...
Just curious about RTT/TTY calls. - Apple Community
2023年1月24日 · Make or receive RTT/TTY phone calls. Open the Phone app. Select your contact and tap their phone number. Select RTT/TTY or RTT/TTY Relay. Wait for the call to connect, then select RTT/TTY. Enter your message. If you turn on Send Immediately in Settings, your recipient sees your message as you type. Answer or …
Rtt/tty - Apple Community
2020年10月9日 · RTT is a more advanced protocol that transmits audio as you type text. iPhoneprovides built-in Software RTT and TTY from the Phone app—it requires no additional devices. If you turn on Software RTT/TTY, iPhone defaults to the RTT protocol whenever it's supported by the carrier. Set up and use RTT and TTY on iPhone - Apple Support
What is software RTT and TTY, and hardware TTY? - Apple Support …
2023年9月9日 · In the context of iPhones or mobile devices, RTT and TTY refer to two different features related to accessibility and communication: RTT (Real-Time Text): RTT is a communication feature designed to assist individuals with hearing or …
RTT/TTY call issue between iPhone 13 users - Apple Community
2024年11月29日 · RTT is a more advanced protocol that . transmits audio as you type text". More info. from the article: "RTT and TTY aren’t supported by all carriers or in all countries or regions. RTT and TTY functionality depends on your carrier and network environment." Also: "How to: "Type text during an RTT or TTY call
What does it mean when RTT pops up on a c… - Apple Community
2023年5月15日 · · Select RTT/TTY or RTT/TTY Relay. Answer or make RTT or TTY calls from your iPhone. Set up RTT and TTY · Go to Settings > Accessibility. · Tap RTT/TTY or TTY, then do any of the following: If your iPhone has Dual SIM, choose a line. Turn on ... Set up and use RTT and TTY on iPhone
Cómo usar la función Texto en tiempo real (RTT) en las llamadas
RTT utiliza TTY y no requiere ningún accesorio adicional. Importante: Es posible que la información de este artículo no se aplique a todos los dispositivos. Consulta con tu operador si puedes usar RTT en tu dispositivo y con tu plan de servicio. RTT consume minutos de llamada, al igual que las llamadas de voz. Por el momento, Google Fi no ...
通話時にリアルタイム テキスト(RTT)を使用する - Android の …
リアルタイム テキスト(rtt)を使用すると、通話中にテキストを使用して会話することができます。rtt は tty と併用できます。追加アクセサリは必要ありません。 重要: この記事の内容は、一部のデバイスには適用されません。
rtt/tty - Apple Community - Apple Support Community
2024年1月29日 · Use tty for all incoming/outgoing phone calls My mother in law uses a tty phone at home. She would like to use tty function On her cell phone. She would like to use tty function On her cell phone. Do we have to have tty functionality on our phones in order for her to receive the the written words on her end?
Re: TTY, - Apple Community
2022年10月5日 · Set up RTT/TTY. Go to Settings > Accessibility > RTT/TTY. Turn on Software RTT/TTY or Hardware TTY. 3. Tap Relay Number and enter a phone number for RTT/TTY relay calls. 4. RTT/TTY sends characters immediately as you type them. If you don't want to send text as you type, turn off Send Immediately to send full messages after you're done typing ...