RTV21 - Ballina - RTV21
Komisioni Qendror i Zgjedhjeve ka shpallur rezultatet përfundimtare të zgjedhjeve parlamentare të 9 shkurtit. Në… Fletarrestet e Serbisë kundër ish-ushtarëve të UÇK-së nuk do të zbatohen më nga policia kufitare… Çka pritet nga vizita e parë e Sorensenit në Kosovë?
Lajme - RTV21
Çmimet në “qiell”, ankohen qytetarët për shtrenjtimin e perimeve. Vazhdon rinumërimi i fletëvotimeve të pavlefshme nga votimi me postë.
Radiotelevizioni 21 - YouTube
RTV21-Radio and Television 21 is a radio and TV broadcaster operating in Kosovo since 1998. The radio broadcasting started in 1998, while TV broadcasting began in 1999 after Serbian forces...
RTV 21 - GjirafaVideo
2023年1月13日 · RTV 21 ka permbajtje te larmishme per te gjitha moshat. Informohuni me lajmet e mengjesit, te pasdites, dhe te mbremjes. Poashtu, me nje skeme te emisioneve te temave te
RTV21 - Wikipedia
Radiotelevision 21 (Albanian: Radiotelevizioni 21), abbreviated as RTV21, is a broadcaster and media company based in Pristina, Kosovo, which includes a radio (est. May 11, 1998), a television station (est. September 22, 2000), and six sister stations. Its launch in online radio made it the first Albanian station to air over the internet.
21:46 #10MИНУТИ Бисера Костадинова-Стојчевска | 05.4.2024. 14:40 #10Минути - Ѓоко Велковски 29.03.2024. 18:31 #10Минути - Курто Дудуш 28.03.2024. 14:37. Zejdi thirrje partive tjera: Uluni, shikojeni interesin e shoqërisë dhe rinisë ...
Front page - RTV21
2022年7月10日 · 21 hours ago B. Gorani . Health . 1 min read. autochthonous tidings Health Sell 6 doctors left in 108 months! 11 hours ago Esad R. Dujaka . 1 min read. tidings Region Health One death and 962 new cases of coronavirus in Albania. 13 hours ago B. …
RTV 21 – Kosove.net
RTV21 is one of the most prominent television networks in Kosovo, known for its diverse programming and significant role in the country’s media landscape. Launched in 2000, RTV21 quickly established itself as a reliable source for news, entertainment, and cultural content.
rtv是什么意思?什么的缩写? - 百度知道
2021年4月19日 · rtv一共有四种意思。 1、RTV英文缩写:RTV英文全称:Return to vendor中文解释:退货缩写分类:经济管理2、RTV英文缩写:RTV英文全称:Real Time Video中文解释:实时视频缩写分类:电子
RTV21 Official (@rtv21) • Instagram photos and videos
122K Followers, 249 Following, 18K Posts - RTV21 Official (@rtv21) on Instagram: "21 Media Lajmet e fundit "